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Benji and Everest were quite literally, best friends.

Ev insisted on picking him up everyday after school and this time as I joined them, I watched as he ran into his arms, calling out his name in excitement. Everest swooped him up and ruffled up his hair, "Hey Benny." He used his nickname and I smiled at the two of them.

They had that sort of bond that'd grown into something special, irrevocable.

Just as I stumbled backwards when Benji jumped into my arms now. I hugged him tightly, school kids filtering out and around us, "Hi, Benj. How was school?"

"It was good. Miss Andrews gave me a lollipop in math for solving the challenge problem. And we all played soccer at recess, I beat Nate Hawley's ass-"

"Language-" I scolded and he pressed his lips shut, glancing at Ev.

"Dude, I told you." Ev hissed, "Can't say that around them." He muttered under his breath to him. I sent Everest a flat, accusing look. He mouthed a sorry to me, wincing.

"You're too young to be swearing. A couple more years and then have at it." I said down to Benj and he cracked a smile, "Anyway, who's this Nate guy?" I asked as we slipped into Ev's car, me and Benj sitting in the back.

"He's mean to Ella." He grumbled with a little frown, putting his seatbelt on.

"Ella?" Me and Everest piped up at the same time. And I must have been mistaken when I saw a little blush creep up Benji's cheek.

"Yeah. Ella Rivers," He cleared his throat, "She's my friend."

"Friend, huh?" Ev snorted from the drivers seat and Benji's cheeks tinted more, "You in love with little Ella?"

"No- what? No, I can have friends!" He protested, glancing between the two of us.

"Yeah? Look at that blush," I coo, pinching his cheeks and teetering his face back and forth, "Just thinking about her-"

He frowned and wriggled out of my hold, a laugh breaking from my chest as I quickly kissed his forehead.

"I'm kidding. You can totally have friends." I said

This kid definitely has a crush on Ms Ella Rivers.

"Exactly! You and Everest are friends and nobody says you two are in love with each other." He said and Ev chuckles.

"That's because she went for the the lesser good looking best friend and suppressed her innate desire to fall madly in love with me." Everest responded, winking and I bit back the urge to strangle him. He's in the drivers seat so I refrained.

"So...have you-" Benji swallows, looking a little nervous, "Have you two never liked each other?"

"I'd rather eat a donkey's ass." I blurted flatly and then widened my eyes at how I had no filter with that answer. It was like instinct.

"How could I not like somebody as sweet as her?" Ev swooned, glaring at me slightly. I sent him a smile back.

"What would you do if Ev kissed you?"

My eyes significantly widened at the question, snapping my gaze down to him.

"Did you kiss Ella?"

"No! No- I," He looked flustered and I couldn't help but find it so adorable, "She kissed me." He quickly blurted out.

My face melted. And I was about to burst into aww's when Benji sent me a pointed look, "No- don't."

I steeled myself though I was still pouting, trying not to guffaw at how cute that is.

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