31. falling*

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My phone rung incessantly as Luca drove us home. I attempted to will it to the back of my head, silencing it and tossing it to the ground besides my feet so I wouldn't have to see mum's caller ID.

My knee bounced rapidly until Luca placed his hand atop it, smoothing his thumb up and down.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I turned back out towards the window so he wouldn't see my face. He'd see it all on my face.

"So I was thinking- if you were to have a wedding, I'd be the best man, right?" Miguel continued his ramble that had been going on for the past ten minutes.

I stifled a laugh when Luca slammed his head back on the headrest, looking just about ready to kill his little brother.

"No. I'd rather slit my throat than have you as best man." Luca growled.

Miguel gasped. Loudly.

"Don't lie to me like that. I'll deck you, Mr Boxer. " Miguel slapped his hands down on mine and Luca's seats, using his grip to pull himself forwards until his head was between us.

"I'd choose Ev." Luca jutted out a shoulder. I rolled my eyes. Yeah right.

Miguel gasped again, louder this time.

"Well- you- fine!" He threw up his hands, "I'll just be Aria's bridesmaid."

My eyebrows raised, "Excuse me?"

"I'll be your bridesmaid-"

"No you will not. Firstly because there'll be no wedding to be a bridesmaid to." I scoffed and his eyebrows pinched together in despair.

"But I-"

"Not to mention, I would have to duct tape your mouth shut for you to stop talking." I raised an eyebrow, "Please stop the wedding talk." I scrunched up my face.

I'm terrified of weddings. I think it's a phobia. I see no fucking point in them, at all. No difference between that and a relationship asides from a whole debacle with a spotlight on you, all freaking day. And a signed contract. Feels a bit cult like.

"Whatever. I'll just be the best man at Malik and Valencia's. Seeing as though they're much kinder people." Miguel sat back in his seat, jutting his chin out.

Luca had parked up outside of his house, pulling back the gearstick and turning off the car. I could feel his eyes on me but I didn't turn to look at him, knowing I'd get caught in his eye contact.

"Go inside, Miguel." Luca said, tossing him the house keys.

"Bye, beautiful." He leaned over and pressed a big kiss to my cheek, "Tonight was only as good as it was because you were with us." He whispered quickly to me, smiling and snapping open the door handle.

"Right back at you. Bye, kid." I smiled right back at him just before he shut the car door, leaving me and Luca alone.

I fidgeted with my fingers, tilting my head back on the headrest and turned to look at him. His eyes were already on me, his wrist hanging off the steering wheel. Quiet surrounded us.

"Hi." I whispered and a dimpled smile split his lips.

"Hi." He said right back, taking my hand in his to stop my fidgeting. It was dark; I could barely make out his features seeing as though the only light source was the distant streetlamp.

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