42. burning*

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"Tell me a story." He beamed up at me, doe brown eyes and all, "I've never had one to share, Ria."

He spoke so innocently but the words wracked through me like a storm. I swallowed so it wouldn't show on my face and brushed back his hair like I'd been doing for the past ten minutes.

"I'm not the best at bedtime stories. I'm sure Luca has some good ones." I said, smiling a little when Luca's head snapped to turn to me.

We were laying on my bed, Benj laying on my torso and hugging me tightly with Luca besides me. Like that night in The Pits, the first time Luca and Benji met.

Now, so much had changed. So much uncertainty hung over us like a needy cloud, not letting up on its need for attention. Right now was a moment of calm I wanted to revel in, however, so I pushed any other thoughts aside.

"Me?" Luca's eyebrows raised.

"Please." Benji smiled now and I knew from the very subtle softening of Lu's expression, he'd practically given in.

And when I smiled at him too, adding a, "Please, darling." I had no doubt he'd be rattling off a story soon.

He huffed, looking back to the ceiling so I followed his gaze.

"Once upon a time," He bit back a smile in disbelief that he was actually doing this and I bit back my own laugh. Benji had us both wrapped around his finger, "There was a... puppy? Black fur, pretty annoying. Kinda bitchy-"

"Language." Me and Benj scolded at the same time and he held his hands up in apology.

"Annoying. He was just annoying. But he was a little lonely, didn't have many friends at puppy school because um-" He though for a moment before clicking his fingers, "They didn't like his black hair. They made fun of him for it being too weird and dark. Everybody else's fur was blonde and bright and light, pretty. He wanted to be like that too but he wasn't sure how to." He continued, the rasp of his voice gently filling the quiet of the dark room.

"But he can't change his black hair." Benj chimed in and I could hear his frown.

"I know, kiddo, but he didn't know that. He wasn't sure what to do." He cleared his throat before saying, "Wasn't sure how to be better. But anyways, he was a little sad most of the time. He went on walks, pissed on the street as puppies do, on some random guy's shoe one time-"

Benji's laughter bubbled from his chest and my heart warmed. And the captivated smile on Lu's face told me it did the same to him too.

"What's his name?" Benj asked, still giggling. Luca was quiet, humming as he thought.

"Zeke." He answered.

Benji smiled, "I like that. I like Zeke."

"I'm sure he'd like you too, kid. So," He turned on his side so he was facing Benji and Benji did the same while lying on my stomach, his hands tucked beneath his cheek as he was hung up on Luca's every word, "One time, on one of these walks, he saw a little puppy. A pretty girl pup, with hair as dark as his. He didn't think it looked weird on her like he thought it did on him; he found her prettier because of it." He continued, eyes flicking to me for a moment.

"And just like Zeke, she was a little sad too. She was upset so he went out on a limb and went to her. And he hoped she was just a little less upset than when he'd arrived, as he left."

"What?! Why'd he leave?" Benji exclaimed.

"Dude had to, you know, carry out his puppy duties." Luca waved a hand around in a gesture.

"Oh yeah." Benj settled as if that was the most logical answer and scoffing like he was surprised he didn't think of that, "Of course, duh."

"Then what?" Benji beamed.

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