Veryan chuckled as he saw Bilbo being raised up and plopped down on a pony. He slowed his horse and waited for Bilbo to catch up, Gandalf doing the same, leaving Thorin being the one to lead.

"Come on, Nori. Pay up" Oin shouted, and Nori threw a coin bag his way.

More coin bags were throw around, and Bilbo finally asked "What's that about?"

Gandalf glanced at him "Oh, they took wagers on whether or not you'd turn up. Most of them bet that you wouldn't"

"And what did you think?" Bilbo asked again, slightly concerned for Gandalf's answer.

"Well..." he started, but it wasn't long before a coin bag was thrown his way. Gandalf chuckled and threw it in his hand, before putting it away "My dear fellow, i never doubted you for a second"

Bilbo nodded in slight relief. He soon heard another jitter of coins, and turned his head to his left, only to see Veryan clutching the same baggie of coins Gandalf had. The Heterochromia male turned to Bilbo and smirked, before pocketing his money.

Bilbo smiled back at him, but soon his happiness was cut short by a sneeze. "It's horse hair. Having a reaction" he told the two, and plucked his hand down into his coat, trying to fish out a handkerchief, only to find none "No, wait, wait, stop. Stop! We have to turn around" 

The group reluctantly stopped and turned to look at the Hobbit "What on earth is the matter?" Dwalin asked in frustration.

"I forgot my handkerchief" "Here. Use this" Bofur spoke after Bilbo. He tore up a piece of his tunic and threw it at the Hobbit, chuckling at the face he made. With that done Thorin ordered everyone to move again.

Bilbo was just about to wipe his nose with the torn up piece, when Veryan tapped his shoulder. He turned to loo at him, seeing him holding up a handkerchief for him "I always come prepared" he commented and dropped the cloth into Bilbo's hand.

He didn't say it, but my god was Bilbo grateful he didn't have to wipe his nose with Bofur's tunic piece.

They traveled far. Across rocky roads, the deep woods, green coated hills. It was finally nearing the dark, and Thorin decided that it would be a great idea to set up camp.


There were quite some Dwarves that took to resting instead of sleeping. Night watch was handed to Kili and Fili, who were now asking Veryan random questions that popped into their heads. 

"Have you really traveled all over Middle-earth?" Kili asked with excited eye's as he sat right beside's Veryan. 

The taller boy slightly nodded, and extended his arm for the two brother's to see "I would say so. Experienced lot's too" they awed at the deep scar left on Veryan's forearm.

Fili was next, as he pointed to him "You look quite interesting you know. Not that you look bad-you don't. I just meant that-" Veryan chuckled at Fili's attempts and nodded, waving his hand in dismissal.

"I get that too often to be offended, Fili. I was born like this, two toned"

Kili leaned forward so he could see the other better "At first i really thought you were a dark Elf"

At this, Veryan sighed "Oh I've heard that one too, plenty of times. Some mother's have even hid their children from me, thinking i was there to harm them"

The brother's quited down, feeling tad bit guilty for bringing it up. Veryan sensed this and smiled, making their spirit's lift up "Oh but i have had lot's of compliments too. Even from children, who weren't too afraid to approach me. It is quite a relief to hear people saying good things about you, when you looked bad upon yourself for so long"

Kili smiled "You do look very pretty" Fili nodded "And beautiful. If ever we were asked about you, we would compare you're beauty to that of an Elves"

Veryan blushed from embarrassment and smiled at the two "Thanks you too. Really know how to keep a person happy"

Just then, they saw movement from the front. Bilbo has raised up and stretched, not really getting any good sleep amongst the other Dwarves. He made his way twords his pony, and gave it what looked to be an apple. He smiled and patted the pony, before he heard screeching sounds.

"What was that?" He asked the three sitting by the fire whilst pointing into the woods.

Kili gulped "Orcs."

Bilbo ran up to them "Orcs?" he asked frightened.

Thorin sat up at the mention of them as Fili spoke "Throat-cutters. There'll be dozens of them out there. The lone-lands are crawling with them" Kili continued "They strike in the wee small hours when everyone's asleep. Quick and quiet, no screams. Just lots of blood"

Bilbo turned between them and the woods, scared out his mind. The brother's turned to one another, and broke down into chuckles.

Veryan rolled his eye's at their childish behavior as Thorin spoke "You think that's funny? You think a night raid by Orcs is a joke?"

Kili lightly shook his head "We didn't mean anything by it" 

Bilbo breathes a sigh of relief as Thorin walked past him. He took a quick glance at the Dwarf "No, you didn't. You know nothing of the world" he replied to the brother's as he stopped by the pony's.

Veryan squinted at the man's back, before Balin walked up to them "Don't mind him, laddie. Thorin has more cause than most to hate the Orcs." he leaned on the rock wall beside's them as he continued "After the dragon took the Lonely Mountain...King Thror tried to reclaim the ancient Dwarf kingdom of Moria. But our enemy had got their first"

"Moria had been taken by legions of Orcs led by the most vile of all their race: Azog the Defiler. The giant Gundabad Orc had sworn to wipe out the line of Durin. He beheading the king. Thrain, Thorin's father, was driven mad by grief. He went missing. Taken prisoner or killed, we did not know. We were leaderless. Defeat and death were upon us"

"That is when i saw him. A young Dwarf prince facing down the pale Orc. He stood alone against the terrible foe. His armor rent, wielding nothing but an oaken branch as a shield. Azog the Defiler learned that day, that the line of Durin would not be so easily broken. Our forces rallied wand drove the Orcs back. And our enemy had been defeated. But there was no feast, nor song that night, for our dead were beyond the count of grief. We few had survived. And I thought to myself then, there is one I could follow. There is one, I could call king"

Veryan smiled when Balin finished. He, alongst the others, stood up from their positions as Thorin turned to look at them all. Bilbo although, had something to ask "And the pale Orc?"

Before Balin could speak, Thorin replied to him "He slunk back into the hole whence he came. That filth died of his wounds long ago"

Veryan, Gandalf and Balin glanced at each other in turn. The three of them weren't so sure Thorin was completely right. 

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