Chapter 22

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Sasukes pov

It's hard to process the fact that I'm engaged to Naruto as although I was so touched by his proposal that I instantly said yes, it was a huge surprise to me.Now that the adrenaline has faded, I'm left with the pain associated by the harsh reality that none of my family will be in attendance. Given that he and Madara are still on good terms I'm unsure wether or not to invite Itachi as I don't want to be a detriment to him or  ostracise him from the family similarly to myself. There's also the question of if I even want to get married whilst pregnant to begin with...

Burdened, I turned over to offload onto Naruto only to be met with empty space in his place. Despite this being irrational, I felt hurt by his absence. Perhaps it's because I'm so used to him being beside me whenever I wake up that it feels offensive for him not to be.

In Naruto's place lay a note stating:
'Left early for work, see you later.'

This arose feelings of doubt within me as I began to wonder wether these are the type of mornings marrying Naruto had in store for me. Nevertheless I ignored this feeling for the time being and endeavoured to make breakfast for Seto and Azia.

When Naruto returned home Seto and Azia held him hostage, forcing him to play mundane games with them and watch silly videos. I couldn't help but spectate and admire the strong relationship he'd built with them from afar. Doing so made it harder for me to cling onto the grudge I'd adopted when he left me alone in bed this morning.

To briefly escape my inner turmoil and relieve my constant back pain, I went to my room and lay down. Naruto entered shortly after.

"Are you tired?" He asked, seemingly concerned.
"Yeah... my back hurts" I responded before making an active effort to change the topic of conversation.
"How was work?" I pried.
"Stressful," Naruto responded.
"But worth it. I've finally closed a merger deal with my technology company and appointed a chairman to each branch of my main company meaning I can permanently take a step back  from work which is something I've been considering for a while now."

Out of nowhere I burst into an unprovoked fit of laughter.

"What's so funny?" Naruto questioned looking oddly amused.
"Just happy you got the merger you always wanted" I replied.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"It just brings back memories is all" I said continuing to chuckle.

Naruto blushed from embarrassment, which was a rare occurrence.

"Not all memories are good ones though" he said with a guilty look on his face.

"Well this one is." I reassured him. He smiled and came to sit beside me.

"Sorry I've been really M.I.A recently. Now everything has been put in place, there's nothing that can take me away from you and the kids, not even work" Naruto informed me, instantly putting all my worries at bay. I hugged him to express my gratitude.

"Naruto, I think we should wait a while until we get married" I suggested.
"Why's that?" He asked with a sympathetic look on his face.
"I just don't want to look back at wedding pictures where I'm pregnant and unnatractive..." I explained in a low tone.
"Your perfect Sasuke, don't think like that. But if this is what you want we can wait until after you have Hima to get married. Although I do think it'll be difficult to fit looking after a new born and wedding planning into our schedule" Naruto correctly pointed out.

"Ok then, next week."
"What do you-"
"If I'm going to get married pregnant I'd rather sooner than later so unless you have any objections let's do it next week." I asserted.
Naruto looked at me and smiled.
"I'll go call the wedding planner then" he said before kissing me and leaving the room. As always Naruto never failed to comply with my wishes making me realise that even though I didn't have a family to attend my wedding or a father to walk me down the isle, knowing I was going to marry someone as supportive as Naruto eased the pain.

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