Family reunion

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We rushed to the hospital as fast as we could. When we arrived, we signed some papers and we went to go find my mother's room. Are you Farrah? Yes, yes I'm Farrah, I'd like to see my mother please. Then follow me, and I'll take you to her, the both of you. Oh Farrah, your mother is gonna be so happy to see you.

When the Dr. brought us to her room, she was sleeping. I turned to the monitors, and then to my mother. She was breathing, she was really breathing. Mom? I ran to her side. Mommy! Sh, sh. Quiet, she's very tired. But, but you sent for me! You said my mother was alive, and that she wanted to see me!

She does. She does Farrah, we wouldn't had sent for you, if it wasn't important. I reached down my hand. To grasp hers. It was pale and felt lifeless. It was cold and clammy. But, she was alive, after 8 years of everyone thinking she was dead, that she drowned, and she left me, let me get abused by my own father, by my own now ex boyfriend.

Mom? She started to stir. She tossed left and right, and reached up to grasp my hand. She fluttered her eyes open. My little Farrah, my baby Farrah. Mommy, I cried, nuzzling up next to her. Oh my darling, my baby girl. Hi mom, hello honey, how are you feeling? I'm a little weak and tired.

How are you my darling, what have you been up too recently? Well, I made a new friend at school, Athena, she's my best friend, and I'm a Sophomore now, I'm 16 now. I found Justin again, he saved my life, and now we're together and, we're currently on tour with him, and grandma's with us.

Farrah, where is your father? I was hopping to see all of you here. Dead. Dead?! Ever since you "died" everyone except for grandma turned their back on me, they needed someone to blame for the drunk driver that almost killed us, they decided that person was me. Dad turned drunk and abusive, I had a boyfriend for a while, but he turned out to only want me for my beauty, and ended up abusing me and cheating on me.

The police tried to take me away, after I tried to defend myself and stand up for myself and admitted everything. I go to the Dr. everyday, and I'd ran off to Athena's house, he followed me, she was hiding away, he shot and killed them, shot me, and thought I was dead, and then killed himself, when everyone was dealing with the dead people and thought I was dead, I only got shot in the side.

Justin found me, I passed out, he saved me. Athena and grandma came to the hospital, he didn't even know it was me. Grandma adopted us both, but you're alive now, Athena and I are sisters now. But if you have me back, she'll be my aunt, and I can be with my biological mother again. That is if you want me.

Of course I want you back baby. You're my baby. Just give me time to come around, I have lots of healing to do in the meantime. What else has happened? Pattie knows I'm alive, I didn't know until the concert that this Justin was my same best friend Justin, we went to homecoming together, but after that, he and Athena were working on some stuff, that made me feel betrayed, in which I leaked a photo of them together.

It was pouring rain on me, and I was so sad and I was crying, and I took some sleep pills and cut myself with a razor, my idea wasn't to commit suicide, but if that had been the end result, it would've been better for me to had died, Athena got me to come to Justin's concert, where he sang a song he wrote about me, for me. Then we all joined him on tour.

Oh my girl, my darling girl. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry you had to go through all of that. I wasn't there for you when you needed me. I love you so much. And I love you most, my girl. Can you ever forgive me? Of course mom its not your fault you've been in a comma for 8 years.

How about this, you go on tour with Justin and everyone, and when tour is over, I should be feeling much better by then, and we can discuss living situations after you all come back, and 4 of us, just you me, Pattie and Justin will go have lunch somewhere, and catch up. Just like it would've been 8 years ago.

For now, I'm very weak and tired, thank you for coming to see me. I love you baby. She says releasing my hand. I love you too mom, I cry. Sh, sh baby don't cry, I'll be alright. I will, you'll see. Don't worry about me love, you're in good hands. And you will soon be mine once again. As you wish my dear. Thanks mom. Thank you for taking care of my daughter. No thanks necessary.

You sleep now, you need your strength. We'll find a way to go back out to the tour bus. But aren't the others coming? They don't need to now. I'll call Justin and tell them, to keep going, and that we'll meet them at the next venue. So, I did, and we left to go back and meet up with them all. I couldn't wait to legally be my mother's daughter again.

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