This is my story

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We're on tour now, it's been a week since the vison I had about my mom, and her being alive, and she keeps getting better. The 3 of us were on the bus, on our way to our next arena, where the next show would be happening, we were all sitting around hanging out, laughing and having a good time. It feels like forever since a smile has formed on my face, or laughter has left my lips.

Athena and Justin are pretty good friends now, because of me. Justin wrapped an arm around me, to pull me closer, and I flinched. He watched me jump, and he pulled his arm back. Farr's? What's the matter? He asked me, I scooted away, horrified. He looked worried, as if he'd hurt me, and Athena looked up, she frowned, and looked at me concerned from the look on my face.

What did you do to her? She asked rolling her eyes annoyed at him. IDK, all I did was wrap my arm around her to try and bring her closer, then she jumped back. Oh, she smirked over at me, she evil smiled, and rubbed her hands together like a witch, laughing evilly. Athena? I looked over her with pure terror and slowly backed away.

Athena? I called behind me, runny away, lucky to be as fast as I was in order to do a lot of out running, and had almost made it to my room, when she grabbed a hold of me. And pounced at me. If you insist on doing what you're doing you have to be gentle. I knew there was no way to get out of what situation I'd just created for myself after that, so there was no use in fighting it.

Aren't I always? She laughed playfully rolling her eyes. She wiggled her fingers out at me, and evil laughed, as I tried and failed to push her away. Secs. later I was a giggly mess, at mercy of my BFF. Rather be at the mercy of my friend then my dad, or Conner. She knew to be as gentle as possible while tickling me silly, to make sure I wouldn't be caused pain.

Justin got up and walked towards our direction, when he heard me start laughing hysterically. Wondering what she could possibly be doing to me to cause me so much laughter. Then he too slyly smirked down at me, as he bent down to whisper to Athena if he could join. She's gonna kill me for telling you yes, but knock yourself out, just stop when she tells you to, or she'll be hurt.

He nods his head in understanding, and switches places with her. Athena walks away. Athena? Traitor! She just laughs. A couple mins later and I ask him to stop. He does and I catch my breath, I sit up against the wall, hugging my legs, as he sits next to me, wrapping his arms around me, and I flinch again. Relax, I'm only holding you.

He sweeps back my hair. I flinch at every touch that gets made to me, even when I know neither of them are going to intentionally hurt me. I need to tell you something. And you're not going to like it. Farrah? No, it's ok, you have the right to know, now that you're back, now that we're together.

Now that, no one can ever hurt me again. What are you talking about? Justin, 8 years ago, before all this happened, when everyone thought me and my mother were dead, before they pulled me out of the water alive.... The drunk driver that nearly killed us got away, and I was the only one that saw my mother alive, and everyone needed someone to blame, so they blamed me.

Everyone turned their backs on me, my father became a drunk, he was the only family I had left, he abused me. He's abused me since that day, and when I first started dating Conner everything was fine, until he started to too, and then as you remember he cheated on me, and no one knew I'd been bullied or abused by my boyfriend or my father until I'd gotten on the intercom and announced it to the whole school.

My dad heard about, asking me if I wanted to get taken away, I go to that Dr. that you brought me to, all the time. Police came and tried to take me away and put me in foster care, my father wouldn't let them take me, but as soon as they left he abused me even more. When they came back, they arrested him, but he took one of their guns and escaped.

I ran away to Athena's. He had a gun with him, Athena was away, hiding away, or he would've tried to shoot her too. He shot and killed her parents, he shot me, and knocked me out, I almost died, once he thought I was dead he shot and killed himself and then the police came and Athena saw the whole thing, I ran away, in the direction of my Dr. for the second time that day for him to try and fix me up.

That's when I hid in a dark ally, that's when the bullet was in my side, that's when you saw me, and that's when you saved my life and brought me to the Dr. not knowing who I was until Athena and my grandmother showed up. I cried and cried. He stroked my hair shushing me. Calming me down.

It was as if fate was bringing us together again. The universe knows what's its doing. We're meant to be in each others lives Justin. I cried hugging him back. He pet my hair, and rubbed my back. He held me, humming soft music into my ear. You're ok now, no one's going to hurt you. I'm sorry you've been through so much pain.

Ever since my mom died, I haven't felt love, until my grandma took Athena and I in and adopted us, but then what happened with you and Athena happened, and I'd gotten used to the pain, and hurting myself was better for me. I'm used to pain and hurt. I'm not used to kindness anymore or love.

Maybe I can show you. He intertwined our fingers, he brushed my hair to the side, and put his hand to my cheek, brushing my skin with his thumb. Then he leaned in, and he kissed me. I hesitated at first, but kissed back. Then my phone went off. I smiled, and touched my lips. Sorry.

Go ahead, go answer your phone, I'll still be here. I got up, and looked at the ID. The hospital? Hello? I answered.

Dr.: Yes Hello is this Farrah?
Me: Uh yeah.
Dr.: We need you to come to the hospital at your most convince.
Me: I'm kind of out of town at the moment. What's going on?
Dr.: It's about your mother, we have her stable, we think she's gonna wake up soon.
Me: No, that's not possible, my mother died 8 years ago.
Dr.: No, actually, that's what everyone thought, turns out she's be in a comma for 8 years, she's alive, and when she wakes up she's gonna wanna see her family.
Me: Ok, I'll try to get there ASAHP (As soon as humanly possible)
Dr.: Sorry to pull you away, but we figured you want to know.
Me: No, no, it's ok, I'm glad you told me, I'll find away to get out there.
Dr.: Goodbye.
Me: Thank you goodbye.

Farrah? Are you ok? I didn't say anything, I dropped the phone, I just stood there. Farrah? Athena heard the concern in his voice, she came running. She saw the ghost pale look on my face, and my dropped phone. My grandmother got called in. The Drs. had called her too, she came to us. Farrah, oh my sweet Farrah. She hugged me, I flinched.

What's wrong with her? My mother..... What about her? I have to go home. What why? That wasn't just a dream, it really was a vision. My mother is alive, she's just been in a comma the last 8 years, she could wake up very soon and they said that she probably wants to see her family when she does wake up, that she's stable, and I need to go home.

Then tonight, while we're stopped for the night, we'll hop a jet and go home, and get to the hospital. We're actually stopping for gas in about an hour. You can take one of the cars and drive to the nearest airport, and show them your pass, and you can get on the jet and fly off, and your grandma will go with you, and Athena and I and my mom will join you when we can.

I nodded my head, and soon we stopped, I hugged them both, told them see ya later. And we got into a car, and we drove in that direction, we did as we were told and we went home. We got a car, and went to the hospital where my mother was being kept, I can't believe my mother is really alive.

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