Don't leave me

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And everything was good, until it wasn't. My grandma went to go have knee surgery. So she'd been away for a few days. Athena knew that Justin would be leaving, and hadn't told me left. He had to go on tour, but Athena was trying to make sure he'd be back by the time we had homecoming. He'd be able to fly out, when they made a break or a stop, for a bit in the tour. Then he'd come out and see me.

At the same time, Athena would be gone for a couple of weeks coming up she was going to Japan for a class trip, at about the same time Justin was leaving too, so all three of them were about to be gone. And I'd be all alone. I'd spent most of my time alone anyways, with my dad gone, out drinking, or Conner gone, since he had been apparently cheating on me for sometime now.

But, being left alone, with no one to watch me, and make sure nothing bad happened to me, I felt like maybe I was being abandoned. I didn't like this feeling, I didn't have to right now because I didn't know, but when I would know, I'd be heartbroken. I knew my grandmother would be gone getting surgery, and I knew Justin wouldn't stay forever, even if I wanted him to, but I never knew my BFF would be leaving me.

So many people in my life had already left me already. My mom, my BFF from my childhood, which could've still been Justin for all I knew, my father, anyone who had blamed me for my mother's death, everybody had left me. My grandma would be gone for surgery, Justin and Athena would be leaving me now too.

A few days later.... Farrah, I'm on my way to the surgery, take care kiddo, I'll be back before you know it. She left. hat same afternoon.... Where do you think you're going? Justin asked Athena. They both had suitcases and things with them, we'd all spent the night together, Justin insisted, and so had Athena, because they knew something I didn't.

I have a trip, I'm going on for the next couple of weeks in Japan. No, you can't leave her, not now, her grandma's in the hospital, and I'm leaving to go on tour. You have to promise to be back by homecoming. I can't promise that, but we can work something out.

You're both leaving me? I cried. Farrah? Why didn't either of you tell me? Farrah? No, you can't leave me. Either of you. You can't I need you. Both of you. You can't leave me here alone, by myself. So many people have already left me. Have abandoned me. We're not abandoning you, you're grandmother will only be in the hospital for a few days, Athena will be gone for only a couple of weeks. Yeah, and I'll be back by homecoming.

I'm leaving to go on tour, but I.... He bit his lip, clutching his fists, closing his eyes.... I'll stop by in time for homecoming, just for you. Promise? He looked up at Athena. Who gave him a pleading look. He had just told her, that he wouldn't make that promise, but he promised me he would be. I promise. He said hugging me. Group hug.

Listen, Farrah, I'll call and text you as often as I possibly can, you can call me anytime you want. I might not always answer but you're more than welcome to leave a message, and I promise to call you back, if I miss you're call. I'm not going to abandon you. I promise. Never. Thoughts: Again, never again! Not just a promise to her, but to myself. I love you. If only he'd said that last part out loud.

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