You've been warned

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Now that the police have come to attempt to take me away now, you would think that, my father would behave himself, and be at least a little bit nicer. No, it just continued, because as soon as they left, he started back up again. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU'VE DONE?! He pulled me up my hair and threw me to the ground.

He brought out a bottle of beer and chugged it down. He wiped his mouth and threw the bottle of glass at my head. I ducked, and it the glass broke against the wall, spreading everywhere. He yanked me up from the floor and slapped me across the face, leaving a handprint on my cheek. He picked up a piece of the fallen glass, held out my wrist in a tight grip and slit it.

Blood dripped from my wrist, as I went to cover it. He forcibly moved my hand out of the way, and licked the blood. I screamed out, and he slid something small into my mouth and I choked it down, it was a pill of some kind. My body suddenly felt numb, and limp, I couldn't fight back even if I wanted to. He brought me to my room and dropped me on my bed, tying me up, covering my mouth with duck tape. Slamming the door shut.

I fell asleep, not that there was much more of anything else I could do. In the morning it was the weekend, and I was lucky that my father was never home, he was either working or at bars drinking. I shimmied my hand down to my pocket and pull out my pocket knife, cutting the ropes off of me, then gently as possible removing the tape from my mouth, as I opened the bedroom window and getting out of there.

I went to the Dr. And they fixed me right up. I ran to Athena's, it was the only safe place for me to be. I hung out there for the longest time, until somehow I was found, my father came and started to beat me up again, all I could do was scream. Athena and her parents called the police and they came, but once my dad figured out what they did, he took out a small gun that he had, and shot her parents killing them, Athena was hiding away.

The police came and told him he had been warned, now to drop the gun and come slowly. They grabbed me, and he hit the one that had me over the head with the gun knocking him out, he then shot me and the bullet barely grazed my side, then he shot himself in the head, and I cried out, the police took him away, my father was dead, my BFFs parents were dead, my grandmother had no idea what had happened, so my only guardian clueless, now both my parents gone, both somehow my fault.

I ran out of the house, down an ally. Blood came from my side, my clothes covered in blood. I passed out. A boy two years older than me, came and found me. OMG! He made sure I was breathing and still living. He then called for a Dr. And drove me to the hospital. HELP! He yelled out. A Dr. Came to his side, and when he saw me in this boy's arms, my usual Dr. Who I had just seen this morning came and took me from his arms. Thank you boy, what is your name, you look familiar?

My name is Justin. Well Justin, thank you for finding Farrah for us, I can't imagine what happened to her. Did you say Farrah? Yes why? Because that's impossible she died a long time ago already, with her mom.

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