She's alive

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8 years ago

It was right after the fall, it was about 8 years ago, so I was about 8 years old, and I'd gotten saved. We were told my mother was dead. That's when everyone turned their back on me. When my father started becoming drunk and abusive towards me. After I was taken home, people were still there looking for my mom.

They found her drowning in the water, and pulled her out of the water. They put her on one of those stretcher bed things, and they took her to the hospital. They hooked her up to machines, gave her an oxygen mask, did tests on her, searched for treatment for her. Why are they doing this for a dead body?

Why would they try to save someone that's already moved on to the after life, that you can't bring back to life? They kept a Dr. with her at all costs. They ran tests on her everyday, and since she wasn't breathing she was fine. Nothing could cause her any pain now. There was much blood loss, so she needed IVs, and they needed to make sure all of the water was out of her system.

The answer? Maybe she wasn't really dead, that's what we were all told, and no one stuck around to hear anything else, in some ways they were happy that I wasn't dead, but because the guy that nearly killed us was gone, they needed someone to blame and so they blamed myself. My father abused me, the rest of my family left me for dead, and trust me from the way the next 8 years went of my life, I wish I had been.

8 years later

It is 8 years later now, the Drs. keep trying, since the last 8 years, in those 8 years, they've been working on her because, she was breathing.... Kind of, she had a heart beat.... Of some kind, she wasn't dead.... Not really, not exactly.... She was alive! Not at the moment exactly, but she was getting there. Turns out she's been in a coma the last several years. My mother isn't dead, she's alive, she really is alive. She just needed to wake up now.

Wake up, wake up. Come on Farrah wake up, we're here, we're at the next venue for tour. Come on sweetheart wake up. Athena help me out here? Naw you got this. He rolls his eyes. Tears spring from my eyes. Justin stroked my cheek. Come on Farrah, its ok. Mama? Sh, it's ok, he said rubbing my back, it was just a dream. No, no you don't understand, she's not dead, she-she's alive. She's been alive, she's in a coma, she's going to be ok. My mother is alive.

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