The last I remember

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Ok honey I have to go away on business. This is for work ok baby? Yes mommy. Good girl. Now if only I had someone to watch over you. Suddenly the phone rang. It was my friend Justin's mom. My mom told her that she was in a rush right now, had to get to work. Needed someone to watch me. She told her she would watch me, to bring me on over to their house.

MOM: IDK Pattie.
My mom told her.
Mom: You just finished up a divorce, are you sure you can handle her?
Pattie: Sure!
She told her.
Pattie: She's no trouble, I was just gonna bring Justin over to his dad's to meet his new little sister.
Mom: Gee Pat it sounds like you've already got your hands full.
Pattie: No I insist.
Mom: Ok we'll be right over.

We got into the car. We were driving over a bridge, when a car decided it was gonna slam into us. The car started falling off the bridge. I blacked out shortly and everyone came to see at us at the hospital. I woke up a few hrs. later. My mother died. My father blamed me since I was the last person to see my mother alive.

Soon we moved away, to KS and left life behind as we knew it. My father became drunk. Abused me. Soon in middle school, I met this girl, she was my BFF. I had no other friends. I also had this one girl who was more of a frenemy, hooked me up with this guy Conner.

He was fine at first, my grandma was the only person that didn't balm me. Soon Conner was abusive too, but since no one cared about me, or abused, or I was afraid of what would happen to me if I told I stayed him, and never said a word to anybody ever.

I grew up loving Justin's music, loved to sing and dance, and act. Wanted to be a singer or an actress when I grew up, but soon, I forgot that we had ever really been friends or knew each other. Guys only had ever asked me out because of a bet, or a joke. I was everyone's play thing. Conner didn't care if other guys tried to ask me out, he abused me, and on top of that was also cheating on me and I didn't even know it.

I was abused by my drunk father, and abused by my BF, got bullied at school, but the only people that still loved me at all I could never tell. For one I was afraid, what could happen to me. Two I could get taken away. I'd rather suffer, then be removed. IDK why, but I guess I felt like a coward if I let myself do that, or even run away.

I thought about running more times then not, but I felt weak, or like a coward if I even thought about doing that. I was an only child, abused or not I was still all my father had left. There was nothing I could do. Well this is my life now. One big horrible secret.

Else where, Justin always remembered me. Always loved me, even when he was with Selena. Dreamt about someday finding me, loving me, like no one had ever loved me before. Some dreams were reacquiring about me being hurt, calling out to him to help me save me. For now "Fall" wasn't a thing, but when he did write it, it was about me, he knew I was out there, knew how horrible everything was, and yet he didn't even know me anymore.

I had been trying to see him in concert, but no one would ever take me, everyone I knew hated him. Except my grandma. I would just pray and close my eyes for a better day, that something good would finally happen, it never did. Until one day that changed everything forever, the story of how the song "Fall" was created.

In another time in another place, but for now that's all that you need to know.

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