I'm not going anywhere with you!

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Soon, I was all better, no one worried my grandmother, who was our mother now, I was still upset with my sister, and Justin. I still felt betrayed, but like my Dr. said I'd be fine, and physically I was. I'd always been a fast healer, I'd had to be because of my dad, because of Conner and Amber, because of life, and now because of everything. Everyone and everything was against me, I didn't know the truth, but never planned on asking.

I didn't want to know the truth, I feel like that I would just feel more hurt because of it, but I wanted to hope that everything I thought I knew was just a misunderstanding. Next week is the concert, and I don't think I even want to go anymore. She can go all she wants, but I'm not going.

Just because my home life wasn't as hellish as it had been before, doesn't mean that school wasn't, it was still just as bad, but less now after I admitted that. But now people thought I was a freak. It was hard being around my "friends" when they were the only ones I had, and my sister who I live with now.

Farrah, please listen! Please stop being mad and upset still with me?! I'm sorry, but nothing actually happened. If that was true why would you have to feel sorry?! Because I'm sorry that you feel like you're being betrayed. Listen Athena, I'm not mad at you or Justin.... That's great! Yeah, because I'm done, I'm done with you both, I'm not upset or mad, I still feel betrayed, but I'm done feeling things, I have never been able to feel love, so I might as well not feel anything.

Is that why you did it? Just answer me that and I'll leave you alone I promise, and I can't tell you enough how sorry I am. I don't even really understand why you feel so betrayed, you weren't going out with him, help me understand. I will answer your questions, and that is all, then I'm done.

Fine, be done with me, be done with him, but please give me answers. I feel betrayed, because you lied to me, you went behind my back and you said you hated his guts, and wanted nothing to do with him, but you went to his house and kissed the guy I like, and he strung me along, he made me think he liked me, but I was just a charity project, he helped fix me up, then takes my best friend away and kisses her, and does anything else you guys might have done behind my back.

But yes, that's why I did it, I had the feeling of never wanting to wake up again, I wanted to feel numb, I wanted to sleep forever, I always have known pain, and abuse, so this time I did it to myself. It hurt, but not as much as the betrayal did, and because I'm used to the pain, it didn't hurt as badly as it usually does. The sleeping pills did their job, and my Dr. did his.

Now if that's all.... She wraps her arms around me crying. I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry, I could tell you over and over again and so will Justin, but I know what we do and say won't matter. I don't care that it was even you that took the picture and posted it anonymously, you were hurt, and even if we were, we wouldn't had been upset or mad with you because of what happened after.

What?! How did you know I took it? Because you sent us the picture and the picture didn't show up on the news or, or on a magazine, or esc it was online a couple hours later, and I used the technology that we did in class to trace it back to the source. Justin knows but he doesn't care either. He cares more about you, and what we did, then what you tried to do. Please, please say you'll forgive us? I do forgive you, I'm just done with you both.

Ok, what is that supposed to mean?! Justin asked her the next time they got together. Exactly that, she's done with us, she's going to ignore us no matter what. Not for long, the concert is in the next couple of days, get her to come to it, I have a couple surprises up my sleeve for her, I'm gonna make it better, and I'm gonna make her see that I really am me. How are you going to do that? Trust me I have a plan.

I don't trust you as far as I can throw you. No offense. Personally, none taken. Please tell me what's going on. Just get her to come to the concert and I'll do the rest from there. If I tell you, you're gonna wanna tell her, she'd be more heartbroken that you were keeping more from here. That's true. So I'll just keep it from you too.

The next couple of days go by. I haven't seen much of them since I spoke with her, since I told her I was done. A limo pulled up to the house. Athena, and driver what are you doing here? Personally, I live here, but please get dressed, in something cute, there's some place I want to take you to. Athena, I know Cinderella story, this isn't gonna work on me. Please? After tonight if you still want nothing to do with us, then I'll leave you alone, you don't have to talk to me ever again.

Fine. I run inside the house to go get dressed (outfit 7)  Really? Do you want me to go to this thing? Fine get in. And we went on our way, tickets and backstage passes and all. Until we arrived, and went in. Why are we here? I thought you knew where we were going? I expected as such. Please just trust me, this is gonna be worth it I promise. I roll my eyes, and get out of the limo, and we go inside and take our seats. I don't sit down I stand at the far back at the bottom near the exit.

Anyone seeing a pattern here? Those that have seen the movie know how it ends, so be prepared for what comes next.

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