She'll be just fine

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When we arrived at the hospital, we saw my usual Dr. he wanted to know first how things had been going since the new adjustments and what had happened to me. Justin and Athena explained. Both talking at the same time, both in tears, shaking in fear, Pattie standing next to the Dr. hearing what they had to say. Once hearing what had happened from beginning to end. My Dr. decided that if the situation had been different, there might be a slight chance I'd die, but given the current circumstances that I should be just fine.

That he was glad we came to him when they did. That this was all just taken out of context. That I'd gotten the wrong idea, and felt betrayed and when you feel a strong enough emotion like betrayal, you do things you'll regret later on, somethings you can change, like that they can still save me, and things will get better just like they did after what had previously happened before. He remembered to choose his words carefully for those that didn't know what had happened to me.

What happened to her before now? Athena looked at her rubbing her arm, looking down at the floor, Justin still had no idea and respected that I'd tell him when or if I would be ready, later than sooner now after what had happened here tonight. That I'd need time to heal, to forget the pain to forgive those that I had believed had wronged me, by being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

But she'll be fine right? Yes, she'll stay over night, no one will worry her grandmother, if she asks she's staying the night at Justin's. Something she'd believe based on my past with Justin, who I was still not sure of at the moment was the one I'd grown up with, that same one we'd fallen for each other since we first laid eyes on each other. My old best friend.

Pattie, if you may please come with me, there is something I must discuss with you. The two adults left the room. What is it you wanted to tell me? Farrah will tell her side of the story when and if she'll ever be ready, to Justin, but she's not awake now to tell her story, back 8 years ago give or take when she was on her way to drop Farrah off with you and Justin before leaving for business, and the drunk driver and the bridge, and how everyone knew her mother was dead but that she lived through it, everyone wanted someone to blame.

The murder got away, Farrah was the last one to see her alive, you and Justin thought she was dead too, until he found her nearly dying 8 years later with a bullet in her side. All but her grandmother never blamed her, her father became an alcoholic and abusive, he abused her for many years, she had a boyfriend Conner that just wanted her for sex, and cheated on her with this girl Amber, and she exposed both them and her getting bullied to everyone and let slip that her father abused her, authorities tried to take her away.

The next time he hurt her, she ran away to Athena's house, he found her, Athena was a witness, and so were parents, her parents died and were murdered, after shooting Farrah, he thought she was dead and killed himself. That's so horrible, that poor girl. And now this whole scandal and betrayal, Athena and Justin would never do that to her, I'm not sure what exactly happened at my house earlier, but considering the end result, I'm not sure I want to. Her clothes are soaked from the rain, her wrists are cut and were bleeding, now all covered up, and she took 6 sleeping pills, we're lucky she didn't take the whole thing, not that she was probably planning on killing herself, but it seems to me that she's only ever known use and abuse.

Not to mention pain, she's broken and it makes her blind that thinking that no one could ever lover her. But that's not true. She just needs to be proven to it. Shown love again, prove that she can be loved that she deserves to be loved. My son isn't the best example, but they've fallen in love with each other since forever. From childhood crush to this. When she realizes it's him, she'll be so thrilled, and then they can be together like they've always dreamed of becoming, but he has to gain her trust, and her love, that won't be easy.

No, now all of you go home go back to your everyday lives, as hard is it might be to say this, but forget any of this happened, just go back to living your daily lives, the girl will be fine, she's always been safe with me. Go on, you all mustn't worry. Goodnight everyone she'll be good as new by tomorrow. Come along Athena and Justin, Athena we'll drop you off at home. I want you both to go straight to bed and be ready to go to bed for the night. Actually, as long as were saying Farrah's at your house can I come spend the night too?

That's fine with me, just check in with your mom first. She checks in, we'll be back sometime early in the afternoon, someone will drive us back home. Until then, Athena will stay at the house, someone will come get me in the morning to return me home from the hospital. I'll be just fine. Feeling betrayed but fine.

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