Tweny four

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The next week Peyton was walking out of the college building seeing multiple people rush to freedom with their group of friends. Peyton would be doing the same if it wasn't for the fact that Milo skipped today to be home with his family, he had told the younger boy he wanted to spend more time with his father before...

The worst thing that can happen arrives.

And Cole, Peyton hadn't seen him much since the bathroom scene so he hadn't had a chance to talk with him. Though as he steps out of the gates he spots a boy with a leather jacket squatted down next to a motorcycle, which he instantly recognises as Cole without even seeing his face.

The boy takes a deep breath and adjusts his backpack that lay on his shoulders, he then walks towards the older boy and once behind him does he get his attention.

"Hi-" Cole jumps up hitting his head on his bike as he swirled around with wide eyes that had made him look eccentric. His hand lay rested on his head as he stared back at Peyton in front of him.

He blinks, thinking of what to say before he slighlty chuckles letting his hand drop "you scared me" Peyton lets his eyes take him to Cole's bike, though it looked detached and broken.

"What happened?" He nods to it before he glances back at Cole, yet his eyes would only let him stay on his chin. Not wanting to meet the other's eyes because then he knew he'd cave. Knew he would jump straight into his arms without hearing an apology first.

And although he had forgiven him in his head after realising the whole situation wasn't as bad as it seemed, he still wanted to hear Cole beg for his forgiveness.

Even if that was a tad dramatic.

Cole turns around and his eyebrows drop once seeing his poor bike, "well, Erica got to it" he turns back around to see Peyton tilt his head in question. "She got some people to mess it up, I think a few bolts are missing" he swears under his breath, he had not long got it fixed.

It had been a bike from years back, passed down from his father. It was priceless but it held meaning because so many family members had it before, yet he had been the only one that had broke it multiple times.

He scratches the back of his head as his eyes meet with Peyton's "I told her that I didn't want to see her again, ever. And I guess she didn't like that" he chuckles quietly beacsue he doesn't need to guess, his bike was living- well, nearly dead, proof that Erica didn't like what he told her.

But he didn't want to see her again if it meant he kept hurting Peyton, he knew about the time he wasn't in school and Peyton had called her over. Milo had told him what had happened and what Erica had said and that disgusted him, he only wished he was there to comfort him but he was not.

Because they weren't talking.

But now, they seemed okay. But he still had allot of apologising to do.

Peyton had just been standing there listening to Cole throughout his speech, he didn't know how to feel when he heard that Cole wouldn't see Erica again. He felt bad that Cole would do that for Peyton but at the same time he didn't ask him to.

"So what are you doing now?" He questions after a brief moment in silence, Cole looked happy that Peyton was speaking to him, he wanted things to go back to how it was. He nods over his shoulder to the bike, "well, i can't get home on my bike now so..." he let's his sentence hang in the air with a shrug of his shoulders.

Peyton looks to the bike then back to Cole for a couple of seconds before thinking of an idea, "do you want to walk with me?" Cole's eyes widen for a split second before he nods in agreement, he wants to spend more time with Peyton to explain everything.

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