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Normally he brings a coat, or a jacket, or at least something to shield him from the cold British weather. Yet again in the morning he was having a bad day like usual- his brother calls it a blue day.

A green day if its good, he's happy and calm. A blue day when he is feeling down in the dumps and sad or just annoyed and ticked off in general.

Noises and bright lights cause his bad mood, crowded rooms with chattering people or a simple  bark from a dog. Someone humming a little too loudly or anything that would annoy him more than usual happens on a blue day making it a red day.

A red day. He is grumpy and he has to stim a lot more to calm his overflowing feelings down, hitting things and jumping on the spot. He does this quite a bit when he's frustrated, he might hit his head to hard on the wall or any surface to try quiet the noise. To block out the light or just the overall world.

So when he left for school he forgot to wear his jacket, he half assed all the classes (didn't pay attention even in his favourite subject) and now is drenched.

You would think by rain as he is walking to the bus but no, its only lightly spitting. That doesn't stop there from being left over puddles.

Puddles where a car can run through and soak all the pedestrians on the path, which by the way may have unfortunately happened to Peyton.

A car sped down the road close to the pavement not caring about the people trying to walk, and totally soaked Peyton head to toe as it went through a huge muddy puddle- that's right muddy.

If he wanted to play pepa pig he'd do it in his own time, but right now he is waiting for the stupid bus to arrive and he is freezing cold and soggy with muddy sewage water all over him.

Just great.

"You look great" a voice says at his side so he snaps his head a little to fast to see who spoke. He looks slightly up and immediately scowls. Of course it's him.

"What?" He spits out folding his arms infront of him which makes a squidgy noise from all the water, causing Cole to faintly smirk. He holds his hands up in surrender and tuts, "nothing nothing, just saying you look wonderful. All dripping wet." He laughs.

Peyton furrows his brows deeply and stomps him foot- which was dumb because he stood in a small puddle which now it splashed everywhere. Cole chuckles again making Peyton huff.

"Why do you look like a drowned rat anyway? It's not even raining, did you go for a swim before heading home?" Cole jokes still chuckling and shaking his head like he's dealing with a child.

Peyton tilts his head, "why would i swim in my clothes? Also I'm not a rat, rats are fury and I'm clearly not." He doesn't know why he is wasting his breath on the tall oaf but there's no other way to kill time waiting for the stupid bus to arrive.

Cole looks at him funny making Peyton confused, why is he staring. "Right. Sorry, you're not a rat nor did you swim. But why are you drenched?" He leans on a traffic light on the path and points to the smaller boy's clothes.

"Well, a car did it" he informs but Cole rolls his eyes, "explain" Peyton ponders his thoughts, "it went through a puddle and it got me" he flaps his arms to show the water droplets dripping of his sleeves and has a pout painted on his face.

"Ah, stupid car." He feeds into Peyton's story, sides with him to show he's intrested in what he has to say. Ever since the first day they met, when Peyton forgot the bus and he had to- wanted to take Peyton by his motorbike. He knew he had to see the strange boy again, he then started spotting him all around school.

First it was at the lockers, then in the classrooms. He saw him walking to the bus and back quite a bit, one time saw him in the libary- he doesn't know why he was there, when does Cole ever study? But he was there and spotted Peyton tapping the table and kicking his legs whilst also chewing his top.

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