Twenty one

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It had been days later, now Christmas break meaning Peyton was free from college. Though in them days he still felt as exhausted as he would if he was still in college- stressed too, see Cole had messaged him none stop. He messaged everyday saying how he wanted to speak to the boy, to clear everything up.

He always ended those messages with an apology, telling him how sorry he was and how he missed Peyton so much, it hurt reading the messages and on some days he would find himself rereading a message Cole had sent that day over and over again.

Until his eyes physically hurt.

Until he had a headache.

Until all his tears had dried up on his face and made his eyes sore from rubbing them away too roughly.

Every time he heard his phone ding he knew it would be either Cole- to say how he missed him, or Milo- asking him how he was. He nearly caved in every single time he read a message, all he wanted to do was to be in Cole's arms, not even caring anymore about the news he had heard from Lizzy. Just wanting to be closer to the boy, especially now as Christmas was nearing.

Days leading up to Christmas, Peyton had spent them alone in bed. From the moment he woke up he would choose a patch on the wall or the ceiling to stare at for hours on end, not wanting to leave the comfort of his own bed. He didn't mean to intentionally waste his days by laying in bed, he was just never conscious of the time or even the day for that matter. Stuck in his own thoughts that consumed him, only knowing that it was December, and soon to be a Christmas without Cole.

Kai and Lizzy had tried everyday to get him up and out of bed, to go out and do something all together. But he declined every time, he just didn't have the energy anymore.

Christmas eve whizzed by, he, Lizzie and Kai had spent the whole day watching christmas movies, it was the only day Peyton actually felt semi normal. They had ordered domino's pizza for tea that day, it was nice.

Then the next day happened, he couldnt believe it was already Christmas and soon to be a new year. This year went by fast, it was a crazy year- he made his first friend, then he made another.

Then he grew feelings for his first friend, then they kissed and went on amazing dates. The year was a great start for Peyton. Until it slowly went downhill from there, with him falling out with Cole to Milo telling him he was soon to be moving to a different town. He didn't like how things were changing, as soon as they became good things changed. He hated change, he hated adapting to new, the only change he didnt mind was Cole. Meeting him and making a friend.

He aruptly woke to a loud noise, when he sat up he groaned and tried to grab at whatever was making that obnoxious sound. When he found the source- his phone, more specifically his alarm, he turned it off with a scowl. He rubbed away the crust in his eyes and yawned loudly, once his eyes were cleared he blinked then properly opened them to stare down at his phone.

25th of December is what it read.

Christmas day.

He wanted to squeal with excitment, he normally would but he just couldn't find the energy in him to be happy today. He was happy to be with Kai and Lizzie- to exchange gifts and have a calm fun day with family, he just knew he was missing something. or, someone.

Peyton went straight downstairs, his hair a mess on top of his skelp and his jarmers still on but he didn't really care. Christmas was supposed to be a lazy day, wearing your PJ's and staying in with your family.

"Morning, how'd you sleep?" Kai questions with a big smile on his face when Peyton enters the kitchen, he squints his eyes to look between Kai and Lizzie. Too tired for a cheery morning and a happy tone, he mumbles something back like a 'hmmh' which is definitely not considered words but it works all the same.

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