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It's odd, sort of awkward. Peyton, Milo and Cole are all sat together at lunch in college properly for the first time.

Milo is yapping on about random gossip he had heard all around the school whilst Cole sits with a bored look, stabbing his salad with a fork. He clearly didn't want to sit there but Peyton wouldn't take no for an answer.

Though Peyton had picked up the fact that Cole always seems like that around Milo, or even when he mentions his name. It's like he doesn't like him for an unknown reason, he always acts cold and annoyed which annoyed Peyton because he wants them to be okay with each other.

The boy he likes and his friend.

"Yeah so anyway, i found out by overhearing from Gracie who heard from Caitylin who heard from Fabio and his friends who overheard the principle, that the creepy old teacher is finally fired." Milo finishes his explanation then picks up his milk cardboard carton (ew) and takes a sip.

He looks up to see two pairs of eyes on his so he gives a half shrug and adjusts his beanie on his head, "well that's what I've heard anyway."

Peyton takes a bite of pizza and chews it with thought, "what teacher?" His head is tilted when he asks this but he doesn't see Cole's admiring stare sent his way. He's Infatuated by anything the smaller boy does.

Milo slams with milk on the table causing splatters of white to drip on the everywhere, "I literally told you this like not even long ago. The weird noncey teacher that hooked up with a student-" Peyton's eyes light up stating that he remembers.

"Yeah well he got fired, hey are you gonna eat that?" He nods down to a couple of chips on Cole's plate with a shine to his eyes. When Cole looks at him blankly for a moment or two Peyton wants to shrink down from fear that he might snap at him or something. He really does look pissed off.

He might just be protective over his fries, some people are.

Milo puts his hands in surrender when all he receives is a stare but soon he looks to Peyton's chips on his plate and reaches out to grab a couple.

Before he can do this Peyton slaps his hand away and pulls his plate towards him to keep it safe, he glares at Milo. What? some people are protective of their food.

"Oh common" Milo looks at both of them in betrayal, like his dearest friends of many years stabbed him in the back. When in reality they just want to eat their own food.

He does have his own money to buy his own lunch but his excuse for not going to the lunch line is that there's big crowds and he might get snatched away, because he is 'so pretty'. His words. Peyton's glare is prominent on Milo (who gives a deadpanned look back) as he nibbles on his chips.

His chips.


"Anyway good" Cole speaks out of the blue, the other two boys look to him in question to which he rolls his eyes at. "Good that the teacher is being fired, they shouldn't have let him keep his job longer like they did" Milo's mouth forms into an 'o' and soon he's nodding along, agreeing.

Peyton doesn't really care about all this, his mind is mostly preoccupied by something else.

"It's nearly christmas soon" he informs them with a quiet tone, he's mostly always quiet or just doesn't talk at lunch so the other boy's are surprised when he says this. They snap their heads Peyton's way but soon Milo is emitting a loud groan.

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