Twenty five

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Currently Peyton is at Cole's house, in his bedroom. The older invited the younger round for numerous of reasons: first being that he had missed him. They hadn't spoken for a couple weeks now and he misses the boy, misses hanging out with him, chatting with him- even hearing his mamy many animal facts.

The next reason is because he wanted things to be how there were, and what better way to do that then them both hanging out at Cole's? Like normal.

The last reason is because he still has Peyton's gift and he wants to give it to him, he thinks he'll like it. Hopefully.

And Peyton came round with Cole's gift so it's like they are having their Christmas they had planned, just later on in time.

But anyway, here they are. Fine and friends again, forgiven and everything put in the past. Though Cole did promise to not lie again to Peyton, the boy hates lies but in the end who doesn't.

Cold doesn't know why he lied to Peyton, he should have just told him when the last time they had slept together was. Maybe then it wouldn't have hurt him so much because Peyton hated lies the most.

"You're being weird" Peyton observed with squinted eyes and a tilted head, Cole's eyes flickered to his releasing a single breath. "Am I?" His question is left unanswered as the brown eyed boy swiftly turns around and strolls to his bag which is on the bed.

He unzips it with one swift motion and picks out a book, though it was wider than a book- longer too. He then returns infront of Cole with his arms across it against his chest, he looks up to the other waiting for something.

Cole takes it as a sign to retrieve his gift so he quickly opens the drawer which he was standing near, he picks up the wrapped present and leans over Peyton. Putting it on the bed behind the boy.

Their faces are close, could feel the others breath. But this wasn't about that, they couldn't just go back to how they were, the small touches and the meaningful looks. Though Peyton wanted that.

He wanted to go on dates and kiss him how he used to, but Cole held back. He didn't think the curly haired boy would want to jump into that relationship again- he thought he'd want to take it slow.

Peyton breathes out a shaky puff of air as he tilts himself backwards to look up at Cole, he gives a small smile trying to hide his shyness. Cole misses the pink that tints Peyton's cheeks as he steps back to give him space, he also misses the sigh emitting from the boy because... well, he's oblivious.

"Open yours first" Cole nods towards the bed and as soon as he does Peyton is already ripping through the paper after carefully putting the notebook on top of the drawers. Cole smiles widely but bites it away with his top teeth as he hears a squeak from Peyton.

He almost laughs when Peyton turns around with the object in his hand, wide eyes and all. Mouth hanging open as if flies weren't a thing.

"You like it?" Cole chuckles crossing his arms, he can clearly tell Peyton likes it. In his arms was a build a bear teddy but as a bunny, it had light brown fluff and floppy ears. A bright pink nose and dark black eyes, it was even dressed.

Peyton shows off his teeth as his smile widens, "I love it! Thank you thank you thank you" he hugs the bunny and starts jumping up and down. Cole nearly laughs again, finding it ironic how he's holding bunny which hops around just how Peyton is now.

"I'm glad you like it" Peyton nods squeezing the bunny one last time before carefully placing her on the bed, he grabs the notebook and hands it to Cole.

The older takes it with a sparkle in his eyes as he reads the title,

Everytime Cole was beautiful

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