Twenty three

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Cole was sat on his sofa with a warm fuzzy blanket over him, cocooning him and hiding him from the world. Though he felt like he didn't deserve this nice warm fuzzy blanket, instead he deserved a small scratchy one.

He felt bad for what happened, first for sleeping with Erica on Peyton's birthday even though they weren't exclusive. But it was still the day him and Peyton shared their first kiss. Then Cole had to be grumpy about the boy running away so he went back to Erica.

That always happened though, he always went to her when he was upset. Or angry, or needed to distress or even when he was lonely. And she let hin everytime because she had a crush on him, Cole knew she had a crush on him yet he still used her to forget about everything else.

He knew that was a shitty thing to do and he knew that he should have never seen her again as soon as he found out he liked Peyton. But Cole hated being alone he hated being by himself and when Peyton left him there on the hill after their kiss, he didn't want to be by himself.

To panic and freak out that Peyton would hate him, to over think that Peyton wouldn't want to be his friend after the kiss. He hated his own thoughts so he liked to be around other people, so he went to Erica.

But clearly that came back to bite him in the ass.

And not in the good way.

So there he was sat on the sofa watching the blank TV as nothing was presented, alone with his thoughts. Hating himself for doing this to the boy, hurting his feelings. He never wanted to do that but now he has. And the worst part of it all is that he doesn't think Peyton actually hates him.

Yes the boy has been ignoring him and walking away everytime he tried speaking with him, but only because he needs time. He could see Peyton glance at him many times in college, you could tell the boy wanted to just talk with him.

Cole wants to run up to the boy and say a thousand times how he's sorry, he wants to tell him how he will never see Erica again because Peyton means more to him than anyone else. Which is a scary thought.

But all his thoughts are scary. So, as he sat on the sofa being all depressed about Peyton he came to the conclusion that he would never talk to Erica again. He didn't even like the girl, nor did he class her as a friend. So not seeing her wouldn't have a big impact in his life but he'd do it in a heartbeat for Peyton.

He knew that sounded bad, he sounded like a dick for saying that but if Peyton wanted that he'd do it. He'd probably do anything for him, in the months he's known the curly haired boy his feelings have rapidly grown. He thought he wanted to just be friends with the strange boy originally when they first met.

But over time he realised he really liked him, and he wanted to do something about that. He could only hope that Peyton would forgive him and things will go back to how it was.

"What's up with you? You're acting all depressed" his father pops up behind him with a cigarette between his lips, he takes it out and blows a cloud of smoke into the air. Cole coughs and squints his eyes at him, "how would you know, you're never here" he averts his eyes from his so called dad.

It didn't seem like his dad was his dad, or his mum was his mum. Or his house was his home or even Cole was actually him. It all seemed wrong in the Reeve family.

They were never close, they may have acted close, smiled for pictures but the truth behind those photos was different. They didn't actually act like a family, sure they shared the same blood and a last name but that was basically it. His parents cared more for money than anything else.

They didn't even seem like they cared for one another, they never seemed in love. It was strange seeing two people marry and start a family together because you only do that when you love someone.

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