Twenty seven

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Currently Cole and Peyton are at the zoo on a date. The first proper date since their falling out.

It's quite warm which is peculiar as it is only February, and normally February is quite cold. Peyton has a long sleeved white shirt on with a  family of penguins in the middle, and Cole just has a plain black short sleeve shirt on with his chains hanging around his neck.

Peyton likes that he always wears accessories, his necklaces, his big rings and his nails painted. It looks good on him and Peyton thinks it suits him.

They had already visited the aquarium inside where they saw all types of fish and all different colours and designs. Then they went to the butterfly area inside which Cole moaned at the whole way round because it was too warm in there.

Peyton thought it was boiling too as his clothes stuck to his skin but his mind was to preoccupied by the pretty butterflies and moths to care. Then they stopped at the animal themed cafe in the zoo to grab food as they were rushing to get there on time so they didn't get to eat breakfast.

Peyton was up late, he didn't get much sleep as he was too excited for today. So he stayed up thinking about it so when Cole came to collect him he was exhausted. The older had to drag him out of bed to not be late and he was moody the whole car ride, but now he's at the zoo he seems to have cheered up.

Which Cole is thankful for because he's seen Peyton moody, and he does not want a moody Peyton today.

And now they are visiting the monkey's, Peyton giggles when one of the monkey's starts running around chasing it's friend. Cole looks at Peyton next to him with a smile, happy that he's enjoying himself.

Peyton grabs Cole's arm and drags him to the meerkats which are close by. He points at one digging in the sand and then at one cleaning itself, they stay there for a while watching them before Peyton is hitting Cole's chest and pointing towards the birds section.

Cole laughs at him and grabs his hand to lead him to the birds, he's too excitable when he spots another animal that he doesn't wait to look at the one he's already at. He just rushes to each animal enclosure to have a look before he spots a different animal and runs to that one.

It's cute really, Cole thinks so anyway.

He's not actually looking at the animals much, his attention is mostly on Peyton. Which he doesn't mind, he could stare at the boy all day.

"Look at that owl" Peyton points towards an bug beady eyed owl at the back of the cage stood up on a stick. His grin is huge and Cole tightens his hand around Peyton's before he looks over to it. "What's your favourite owl, mines a barn owl which that is" he questions and Cole glances around the cage. Not actually having a favourite animal because he never really thought about it before.

"I like eagles" Peyton looks to Cole with wide eyes, "me too!" Cole laughs at him and rolls his eyes in a playful manner, atleast he knows how to divert Peyton's attention. Which seems to be easy, just talk about a different animal.

The younger boy bounces on his toes, clearly becoming more excited. Cole smiles down at him and leads him down the path, near the giraffes. Once there Peyton squeals with excitement, he loves giraffes. He can remember when he was younger and he asked his dad what his favourite animal was and he said giraffes.

Peyton thought that that was a good answer because normally people would say something like a cat, or a dog. Animals you could have but a giraffe you cannot, you can only look at.

Cole gets out his phone and goes to camera, he tells Peyton to look towards the phone and he puts his arm around the boy's waist. He takes a couple pictures and they laugh and smile at each other at the end when they see a giraffe behind them in the picture is missing it's head.

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