Thirty two

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(This isn't the last chapter BTW!! There should be a 'The end' chapter but the order got messed up when I published it)

Time has flown by that it's now the middle of April. The weather has somehow become colder, its even started to snow. Not much but enough to make the ground icy.

Peyton and Cole have gotten closer, they've spent most of their every days together and yet they haven't grown sick of one another. Whether they're in college they cling to one another whenever they get a chance to see each other.

They sit so close on the sofa that it almost looks as if they are sitting on each others lap, they almost always have to be touching in some sort of way. Whether it be their feet under the tables when they are out with Kai and Lizzie at restaurants.

Or holding hands walking to the park and places, hugging and kissing their goodbyes even if they leave for five minutes to go to the toilet. Its safe to say that their relationship is going strong.

They might be clingy and affectionate even in the worst of times, like at college, but really they just love spending their time together. Love being with one another, they are practically glued to each other.

Though it may be annoying for the others to watch, especially Kai, they don't care because they have each other.

Speaking of Kai, him and Lizzie were going strong. Strong enough that Lizzie had moved into their house, she started by gradually moving in. Leaving her things at their place and just forgetting to take it back.

Until Kai said to her that she should move in, Lizzie was shocked at first but she wanted to get away from her own house. She only lived with her dad and her dad was a major dick so she couldn't see why not.

Besides, she loved Kai and Kai loved her back. So now they are living together.

Peyton was annoyed at first when hearing that he had to live with a girl, it was ages for him since living with anyone besides Kai so it was a big change for him. And Peyton hated changes at first, like Milo moving.

He started to not hate it so much because the house seemed cleaner, it was way tidier and organised than it used to be.

That was mostly because Lizzie was a neat freak, a perfectionist and basically everything had to be spotless. She'd yell at one of the boy's for even dropping the tinest crumb on the sofa or even the floor where you could hardly see it.

But that was a good thing, Kai didn't really clean up after himself and Peyton always wanted everything to be neat. And now Lizzie is there to yell at him for any sort of mess it was cleaner, he was grateful for that.

Kai seemed happy too, he got a better job at the fancy restaurant they went to on Peyton's birthday and he's now earning a bit more. Not much but enough to sort the house out.

To make sure the tap stays running and the house gets heat, that the fridge is stocked and the electricity still works. And now with Lizzie's income too (she worked in a pet shop) it was easier for them all.

So Peyton wasn't too upset about her moving in and besides, he's mostly never home as he's always with Cole nowadays.

A week ago was the end of the college term, and the end of college for Cole. They had both passed english finally and Cole passed maths with a C. On the last day of college Peyton gave his teacher a thank you card after realising that now he's passed English he won't be seeing her again.

That made him sad because she was the only teacher ever to make him feel comfortable at college, to help him when he really needed it.

With so many changes he's experienced in so little time it did overwhelm him at times, he'd have breakdowns somedays. He'd have melt downs over the slightest of things but Cole was there everytime to help him through it.

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