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Walking down the long corridors, students piled their way through the entrance doors. Huddling with their friends and chattering away about how their weekends went.

For Peyton, not great.

He still hasn't talked to Kai, only small sentences without eye contact and a warm tone. It's not like he's mad at the older, but he just doesn't know how to say he's sorry for worrying him. And his brother is just too petty to talk with him first.

So they haven't talked much, no matter how much Lizzy has tried to make them- speaking of the small brunette. She had been round a lot more, the two are official.

Peyton doesn't not like her, he actually looks forward to their conversations because she makes everything so simple and easy to understand, he feels like its easy to talk with her. She's kind and her eyes are inviting, so he feels comfortable talking with the older girl.

But he's not exactly friends with her- yet.

He's currently on his way to English class, his now favourite class. Favourite only because of the teacher, she's funny in Peyton's eyes.

She always asks how he's doing and whenever he seems to be having a bad day he is allowed to go out the classroom for a minute to calm down. She gave him a card where one side is red, for him to put on his table to show he doesn't understand.

And the other side green, showing he gets it.

He finds it very useful, none of his past teacher's has ever cared as much in depth as the early twenties English teacher does.

"Oh shit, sorry!" A voice calls out to him as something crashes into his feet, he snaps out his trance and looks down to see a skate bored. Which is odd, normally they wouldn't allow things like this inside the college.

He scrunches his brows and looks up.

"Sorry. Maybe I shouldn't skate inside" the boy in front of Peyton laughs awkwardly then scratches at the back of his head, he leans down when Peyton doesn't reply and scoops up the skateboard with fires and skulls painted all over.

His style is quite out there, a baggy black jumper with splattered multicolored paint everywhere, drawing in Peyton's eye's. He quite likes the sweater, it's probably just the patterns mesmerising him.

Peyton notices a cross earring lying in the boy's ear hidden by his dark brown hair. It reminds him of Cole's necklace he always wears, a cross- though Peyton finds it odd because the boy has said he doesn't believe in God, he just likes the cross.

When looking down, Peyton spots the lad's trousers, baggy and dark. Then lower to his shoes, white vans but on them is drawn skulls, he looks like he's trying to be edgy but his deep blue eyes give him away that he's totally innocent.

Much like Peyton.

"Okay" Peyton replies and the boy just tilts his head with a funny look, the smaller boy was about to leave before the stranger spoke again.

"Heh, you're funny. Oh! By the way I'm Milo, you?" A creamy coloured hand shoots out near Peyton's face making him almost cringe, not like he has anything against the boy. But he doesn't like to be touched by many.

His brother and Cole the only exeptions.

Cole. He can't stop thinking about him, he hasn't since he came to the conclusion that he might actually like the boy, as in like like. More than a friend.

Which was a terrifying thing to come to terms with, what if their friendship is ruined by this revelation?

He shakes his head, curls bouncing around. Stop thinking about him Peyton! Scolding himself inside his own mind he looks down to the hand and back up to the bluest of eyes he has ever seen

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