Nineteen (p1)

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Sorry in advance...

After the movie comes to an end, Cole looks besides him to Peyton. At the moment they're both cuddling in Cole's bed. They decided to watch a movie before  going to sleep, they're having another sleep over- Peyton's idea. He wanted to see Cole as they haven't spent time with one another outside of college much.

Cole's arm is around Peyton's shoulder and Peyton's head is leant on his shoulder. They had a fun day of going to the park and feeding the ducks, they went on the top of the hill where they shared their first kiss for a while before coming back to the house.

Once back they decided to order pizza as Cole's parents weren't home (away for a work trip) and after eating they baked some cookies.

But by the time the movie finished so had all the cookies, mostly eaten by Peyton.

Cole brings his hand up to Peyton's face where he is intently staring at all the credits, the neck of his shirt in his mouth. Cole flicks a finger against Peyton's noise causing him to groan, he turns his head besides him and averts his squinted eyes from the TV to grey.

Cole chuckles at his face, "stop chewing that" he nods down to the soggy material of Peyton's shirt. That he had been chewing for the past two hours of the film.

He stares at him blankly and continues chewing at his shirt, just despite him.

Cole gives him a look, "Peyton, you have to sleep in that. It's going to be really uncomfortable and you're gonno moan." His reasoning is smart but Peyton doesn't like to be told what to do, clearly, so he takes it out of his mouth and sticks his tounge out at Cole then puts it back in his mouth.

"Peyton" Cole uses a mock strict tone and leans his head down to the younger, "I will tickle you" he tells him with a fake serious voice causing Peyton to squeak. Not knowing he is only joking. He spits the material out his mouth and starts shaking his head.

"No, not again!" Cole tries to hide his smile to stay serious so Peyton would listen to him. Cole hops up out of his bed and strolls along to his wardrobe, he opens it up and looks around then finally grabs a hoodie.

Turning around he throws it to Peyton who sat up with his legs crossed staring at him curiously, it hits straight at his face before he lifts it up to examine it. He then puts it down and looks to Cole with a tilt of his head.

"You're not wearing that top in my bed to sleep, get changed" he nods to the hoodie and crosses his arms, Peyton sighs. He's too tired to move, even if it's just a simple act of changing clothing, he drops down on the bed, his head hitting the pillow as his curls surround his face. He smiles thinking he probably looks like a lion. With his mane protecting him.

Then he glances over to Cole who had an unreadable look on his face with his head slightly tilted and squinted eyes. He seems amused but instead of telling Peyton to change which he knows is useless- he walks over to him.

He pulls the groaning boy up by his wrists, putting him into a sitting position. Then he looks down at the boy with raised eyebrows but Peyton juts out his bottom lip, sort of like a pout. Now he probably looks like a puppy, with wide brown eyes.

Cole's mouth teases by the corners tilting upwards but shakes his head, with a fond look in his eyes he averts them down at the boy. "Can I?" He questions instead, instead of moaning at him to do it he might as well do it himself.

Peyton seems to brighten up at this idea and soon starts rapidly nodding his head, Cole chuckles and and reaches a hand out to Peyton's shirt. He traces the hem of it, grazing the boy's flat stomach. Peyton slowly closes his eyes when Cole grabs the shirt and lifts it up over his head.

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