Twenty (p2)

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"He told me he hooked up with that Erica girl on Peyton's birthday."

Peyton felt like time slowed down in that very moment, he felt like a statue. Still and stuck in his mind, repeating over and over of what Lizzy had just said.

The other two were talking but Peyton felt like everything was underwater, he couldn't hear them clearly. He could just hear his shaky breath in his ears, he felt a lump in his throat as he stared into nothing. His head started hurting from thinking too much- from trying to not break down crying because he needs answers first.

Maybe it's not as bad as it sounds.

Maybe she misinterpreted him?

Maybe he didn't actually sleep with Erica on his birthday because that day was their first kiss. And Cole couldn't have gone with someone else if he had already kissed Peyton that day. Right?

"What do you mean, Lizzy?" Kai questions with wide eyes, he knew Peyton couldn't speak at the moment. He looked lost so Kai wanted to step in but also he was curious himself anyway.

Lizzy's own eyes become wide and frantic, she looks over the two boys in shock. "Did Cole not tell you?" Her eyes glance to Peyton when asking but it's no good, he looks as if he had shut down as his eyes were glued to the kitchen clock. Slowly watching the hands tick by.

"He told me yesterday that he would tell you because he didn't want to lie anymore" she looks to the ground and brings a hand to her face. "I'm guessing he didn't say anything and I just totally exposed him" she groans to herself, clearly mad that she couldn't keep her friend's secret but also because she feels bad for Peyton.

It's not like it meant anything, Cole was just mad Peyton left without saying anything. But she knows Peyton would be upset with this, that's why she told Cole he should tell him before he finds out on his own.

Clearly she ruined that for them both.

She groans again, "Peyton I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to just say it like that. I genuinely thought you knew" Kai shakes his head to himself, he always thought that boy would be trouble. And now, look at Peyton.

"Is he cheating?" Lizzy looks over to Kai with a surprised expression, "no! Cole wouldn't do that. Not when he's this serious about Peyton, I think it was just that one time." Kai sighs a breath of relief and glances over to his little brother- who still stares at the hands ticking by.

He seems so detached, like he's not there anymore, he's too consumed by his own mind to pay attention to reality.

It's not like the two are a couple, but they have said they liked each other. They've been on dates, they've kissed, made out, they've done all couple stuff- so aren't they technically dating?

If they were why didn't Cole say sooner, it's been months since his birthday and all Peyton can think about is how he lied to him. He hates lies.

Cole said in the woods that him and Erica last saw each other when he met Peyton. Clearly that was a lie.

Peyton snaps out of his thoughts as the hands on the clock hit 2am.

He blinks away the water collecting in his eyes, not wanting to cry. It's not like it's a big deal, so what if they slept together? It doesn't mean anything. But it did, that day- his birthday, was his very first kiss. But now it means nothing since Cole got together with someone else that very same night.

Without thinking, Peyton rushes up from his seat. Still hearing the two bicker about what had happened and why Cole kept it a secret.

He runs to the door slamming it open and his heart drops when he sees Cole in his car, getting ready to leave.

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