It Ended With Love

Start from the beginning

"I'm glad I met you at that bar Noelle." He says looking me in the eyes. "And I'll do my very best to make sure you're well taken care of and all your needs are met. And I promise to be there when you fall and wipe your tears whenever you cry. I'll sing to you and cherish every day I have to spend with you cause you're just that special. And hopefully one day—there'll be a ring on this hand." He rubs on my finger, in a soothing manner.

We shared a smile before I kissed him with all of the love I could offer. Then we continued to watch the movie, cuddling in each other's arms and discovering his love for being the little spoon and back rubs.

Oh, what I would give for eternity to look like this.

🙤 · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ꕥ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · 🙦

Three years later,

My heels are clicking on the marble tile, My hair is sticking to my skin, wet and creating goosebumps on my arms. I'm late. Fuck, I'm always late when it comes to Taehyung. But this time was different.

I hadn't seen him in forever so we stayed up all night on the phone and I woke up late. I hugged my papers to my chest and walked briskly down the corridors to my office that just had to be all the way across the other side of the building.

I said hello to my co-workers or just people in general and tried not to make long enough eye contact where they'll see the bags under my eyes or the jitteriness I feel from lack of coffee. And when I got to my office and put all my work on my desk, I collapsed.

Oxygen filled back into my lungs from lack of and my heart was accelerating. But the rush of morning happiness pumps throughout me. There has been a lot that's changed since I graduated almost a year ago.

Walking across that stage had to be the proudest achievement of mine. Everyone walked, including Taehyung which we all thought wouldn't be able to but somehow created magic out his ass.

Aunt Melissa and Uncle David were in the crowd including all three of my siblings. I was most surprised to see Neveah, her grace being the shining star even in the crowd of proud parents and family members. After it was over and we were all taking pictures, she approached me with a bouquet of flowers, chrysanthemum to be exact.

Instead of allowing her to walk away, I grabbed her into a hug. Her body froze but she hugged me back eventually and her shoulders slumped and fell.

My parents didn't come which I knew they wouldn't. Especially since they're going through with their divorce. But that didn't matter when all of my family was here to celebrate with me.

My true family. The one that isn't always blood but the people in my life who want me in theirs and accept me for who I am. We took pictures together, and some of them went off to take pictures with their parents.

Taehyung stayed by my hip the entire time. His mom came and took pictures with both of us. I smiled like crazy when she pinched my cheeks and applause both of our achievements.

There came a time when we all gathered around. Jin, Jungkook, Jimin, Tae, Hobi, Mina, Sky, and Namjoon. With flowers in our arms and smiles to our ears with joy that surrounded us in a bubble of our own positivity.

Then Namjoon got on one knee, revealing from his pocket a small velvet box that held a ring that caught the reflection of the sun and blinded us.

Our mouths fell and people started to crowd around us. He professed his love to Sky like their worlds were about to end and start over. She cried shooting stars and saying the magic words that made everyone erupt into claps.

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