Reason With Me

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I had a good time with Yoongi and it was definitely needed. After he dropped me off we got into a pretty heated makeout session that left me sitting in a cold shower for an hour trying to calm down the sizzling feel of his passion all over my body. When it comes to Yoongi nothing ever feels rush it just feels right. I can't say that he hasn't made an impression on me because if I'm being honest I've been in a good mood all this week.

"You must be shitting rainbows and farting unicorns," Jimin says coming to my table at the library where I thought I might get some studying in. I thought, at least.

"Whatever drug you took to keep you happy for three days straight I want in." Hobi sat next to me along with the rest of them. "Was it shrooms? LCD?"

Sky came up to my chair and grabbed my face twisting my neck in an uncomfortable position to look up at her as she called herself examining me. "You're not supposed to be happy while the rest of us is miserable, have some damn decency."

"Yeah, I'll love to be happy while in college but instead I'm worried the IRS are gonna come asking for taxes I haven't filed." Namjoon added and I pressed my lips together.

"Was it that obvious?" I asked cringing.

They all nodded in a mocking manner and I rolled my eyes. It was no use in trying to hide the fact that I was happy. Mina and Namjoon sat on either side of me while Sky sat next to him and Jin, Hobi, and Jungkook sat in front of us. This feeling of being in the middle of all this love and joy made my smile reach my ears as we kept our laughing to a minimum.

"Did you guys know that Noelle thought me and Jungkookie were fucking?" Jimin says looking around the table to watch our reaction. Hobi leaned back in his seat with his chin hung low and his sharp eyes looked around as he pouted his lips. The center of Jin's top lip protruded as he sipped on his coffee while Namjoon coughed in his hands.

The table kept so quiet that Jimin's smile slowly fell and his brows furrowed. "Wait—y'all actually thought me and Jungkook," He pointed between him and Jungkook. "Were fucking?"

"I mean shit why do you look so surprised for? You gave the man a fucking hickey and you want me to think you two weren't doing something?" Namjoon says.

Jin nodded his head in agreeance, "Jungkook stays at your place more than his to begin with. I have to remind him to pay his damn rent on time."

"If you wanna count how many times I've caught him sleeping in your bed while your little spoon then..." I tagged in and started counting on my fingers.

"You even look like a bottom Jimin, fuck is you asking us for." Sky said. "If anything it would be wrong not to assume your flirtatious hoeing ass isn't fucking Jungkook's quiet self."

"The fucking odds of you guys not fucking wasn't even something we thought of, we just ignored you guys anytime you did some sus shit." Hobi placed his hands behind his head while he manspreaded and grinned. "And that was like 99% of the time."

I had to laugh after that one. Jimin's mouth formed a little O and my face was probably turning red from all the stifled laughter I was doing. If someone were to tell me someone who looks and acts like Jimin wasn't at least suspicious of being gay then I'll take my departure to heaven now.

"Can we change the subject?" Jungkook's deep voice spoke up and we looked to see him in and out of fatigue. "If it makes any of you guys feel better, I'm actually a bottom and he's a top."

"What the fuck!" We all yelled and the waves of shushes erupted from everyone in the library.

"Okay, I'm done let's please leave this conversation before we go down this disgusting rabbit hole." Sky faced scrunched up in disgust and I couldn't agree more.

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