Lose My Cool

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"Be careful, I don't want you to get hurt."

It stuck with me like an annoying piece of tape on my skin for the remainder of the class. That's all I could think about as I watched from the corner of my eyes Taehyung focus on everything but the professor teaching on the smartboard.

I rolled my eyes when I saw one of the girls push her breast up when Tae looked in the other direction. Like that was gonna make him like her more. And anytime I heard that feminine giggle I frowned with my nose wrinkled in disgust. I shouldn't feel this way. Stop feeling this way, Noelle. You're only going to hurt yourself more in the process.

I didn't realize how hard I was staring until I felt someone poke my neck and I looked next to me to see Hobi studying me. His forehead plucked as he looked down a few rows at Taehyung then back at me with his brows snapped together. Shit. I can't have any more people finding out about us now.

"Is something wrong?" I asked with a soft smile and a chuckle.

He squinted his eyes like his lie detector meter was beeping and he was trying to figure out why. Please don't figure out why.

"I saw the vein in your neck about to pop and the look on your face like you were angry."

"I'm fine Hobi."

"Are you sure, I know you don't like Taehyung that much yet but if looks could kill..." He sucked in a breath. "He would be dead by now."

The corner of my lips turned upward as I stifled a laugh. I imagined his cute little head going 'pop' and all the goriness that comes with it. I shook my head letting him know that there was absolutely nothing to worry about. Because there wasn't anything to be mad at, and somehow the tiny voice in my head can't seem to grasp that.

Law studies were over and Taehyung disappeared in the crowd of people exiting the lecture hall. I couldn't even get five minutes with him when before he would basically drag me back to his place and fuck me in front of his door. That's just how needy he was for me.

But Jin waited for me, with those plushy lips smiling at me, and then we walked together back to the dining hall to the Starbucks. I didn't know what to expect when he ask for us to talk alone. A part of me is worried he is going to tell me something I didn't like, which I already knew but have been too afraid to face up to the idea.

Jin pressed his lips against the plastic cup and smacked his lips with a sound. He licked them off before pressing them together and glancing across the table at me. I can't find back the nervousness I feel.

"So." He started. "Where should we begin?"

I told him everything, even though I planned on keeping things to myself. But it felt good to have a listening ear listen to all the bullshit that's been going on. Jin never showed any expressions that may make him appear to be judging, he just sat with his emotions in check, and nodding whenever I talked.

It's almost kinda embarrassing. I see Jin as a big brother, and no one wants to tell their protective older brother shit that's been happening between them and another person. But I can't help it when it comes to him.

"Well shit." He laughed after taking a deep breath and taking it all in. I lightly winced from his reaction though I would have to admit if someone was to tell me everything I told him I would've reacted the same way. But it was comforting to see some humor in my situation, even though I don't find it funny at all because I'm living through it.

"So all this time I thought you didn't like him when really, you really liked him." His eyes got big when he said that which made me start to laugh.

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