When The Party's Over

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We all sat around this delighted campfire, the moonlit sky showed us a canvas of stars that beamed over us as we laughed and drank. The party was now at a halt and it was just us ten making the night still young.

Our campfire appeared to echo the starlight as if the flames were so close and so distant and had so very much to say to one another. The bitter cool air reminded us that it was autumn. Jin got closer to the flames, feeling the radiating warmth, holding his hands toward it and watching them glow golden.

I kept the blanket wrapped around my body tightly not giving the cold a chance to touch my skin but I still felt it. We were discussing the rules of the game, or rather they were and I was looking up at the sky. I tilt my head and smiled brightly to no one in particular.

The night sky is how I came to wish to fly. It is the most beautiful art, alive within raw energy, a song for the eyes. At times I felt as if I could feel it vibrating somehow, whispering in a way the ears cannot hear. I guess it felt friendly when the world of people felt so devoid of love. I wanted to see it right, in three dimensions, see the sculpture of divine hands.

Tae looked up at those same stars. For a split second, I thought I saw a shooting star. Make a wish. I wish my life would stop trying to overturn me. I wish that I had the strength to be as powerful as I know I can be. I wish that I had a family to turn to. And I wish, for the life of me, that I knew the answer to why I'm so unlovable. I closed my eyes briefly to let the wishes sink in even though I'm sure it won't come true.

"What did you wish for?" A voice pulled me from my head and glanced over to Taehyung. His eyes seemed to be solemn and so deep with a ravine of thoughts and emotions. The fire made his eyes twinkle and kindle his own flames within. It's been a while that I've looked at him and didn't feel the tug of my own body trying to pull towards him.

I sighed. "I don't know." And then I looked away.

Taehyung had opened his mouth to speak but stopped short and rested his head on the back of the chair and continued to gaze out at the stars. I left him be and took the last beer from the cooler and sipped. I know my liver is screaming at me.

"Ok, sooo I'll go first." Mina smiles as she looked amongst the group of us with low eyes and a sly smirk. Her fox eyes then landed on her target. "Jinnie! Fuck, marry, kill."

"That's not how this works!" Jin's plump lips pouted.

"Just play the damn game." Hoseok shoots back which made the group chuckle.

Jin huffed and let silence take over us for a minute or so. "Fuck Namjoon, marry Seokjin, and kill Mina."

My chest shakes as I laughed while Mina's mouth formed a little o. Namjoon's dimples pressed cavities in his cheek when he smiled under his breath and looked down at the ground. Mina started whining and pouting trying to pull off her cute little stunt as her auburn hair waved in the windy air. She had washed off portions of the red makeup so her light complexion glistened.

"You can't marry yourself Jin. That isn't even a rule." Yoongi points out and Mina nodded her head.

"No the rules were clear. She asked fuck, marry, kill. She never specified if she was talking about everyone in this group so I rather marry myself."

"So what made you wanna fuck me?" Namjoon spoke up with this relaxed look on his face. He seemed eager to hear his response.

Jin shot him a glance and then shrugged. "Why not? You look like you lay down some serious pipe."

"Oh, honey he does." Sky's ears perked up as she smiled brazenly and sat up from her head laying on Namjoon's chest. She looked proud as the words settled into the group.

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