Make it Right

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Later that day we walked across town for a bit and I showed him around. I didn't know for how long he was visiting so I didn't show him everything, just my favorite places I would go to as a little girl.

As we walked, our conversations got longer, our laughs a bit harder, and our stomach even more hungry. About time we got to the deli shop we looked ravenous as he opened the door for both of us.

Taehyung had dropped Yeontannie off at the salon with his mom prior so he had nothing holding him back from having a big appetite.

"Whatever you have I'm having." He told me while I scanned my eyes down the menu. I forgot what I would usually have so I'm more open to trying something new.

I gave him a look smiling as I turned away. "Even if it's poison?" I challenged and he chuckles under his breath. Tae scooted closer to me, his breath near my ear, and I still myself.

"Kinda romantic isn't it? Romeo and Juliet."

I shoved him back laughing. The fact he can make anything seem like a flirt is beyond me and he smirked with low eyes as he look at me. His captivating eyes pulled me close yet again and I restrained myself from tipping over.

"You're a slut."

"Thank you kitty." He bowed, extending a hand out in a dramatic way to add flare. My eyes probably would've been struck by how many times I've rolled them today.

Finally, it was our turn to order and I decided on a BLT and Taehyung came to my side to tell the worker the condiments he was having on his sandwich.

We pulled out of the line and waited at the tables while the fan blew overtop our heads giving a light breeze. I took this time to interrogate him a little bit more.

"So where did you go after we all went to bed after the party? I didn't see you when we woke up." I spoke not trying to look him directly in the eyes in fear of my own demise. Tae glanced at me and looked down at the table playing with the wrapper to a paper straw. He made a ball and rolled it between his fingers before flicking it.

"It felt weird to stay around so I just dipped." He shrugged and my brows furrowed. I'm sure it was weird for everyone considering how he kissed me out of the blue surprising everyone including myself. But okay... I swished my lips around trying to plan my next words carefully and eventually gave up.

"But you kissed me, why?"

"Because I wanted to." He put things simply and I gawked at him. "I dared you to kiss me, we were playing the game."

"The game was over after my turn so technically-"

"For fuck sakes Noelle I just wanted to kiss you." He blew out a sigh then smiled. "And might I remind you that you kissed me back? If you wanted me to stop you would've done something. Don't act like you didn't enjoy it."

Oh, fuck off.

I bit on my tongue trying to come up with a fast lie but it was no excuse. We both know we enjoyed that kiss but it still lingered in the room. Too bad I can't hide it anymore, I real deal like this idiot.

My fingers danced around in my hair and I grew quiet. He took this as my answer and chuckled, biting on his lip. They called our name and he grabbed both our sandwiches and placed them on the table.

"Did you know I was with someone?" I bring up while we ate. I'm sure it was obvious to everyone how close me and Yoongi were at the party. Even after our advances on each other in the bedroom. My sandwich was heavenly and I hummed once I got a taste of the deli's secret sauce.

When Taehyung eats he eats with a pout. His lips are pursued and his eyes are fixated on what's in front of him and his hair falls over his eyes. He doesn't say anything until he swallowed his food, licking his lips rather slowly and I watched as he did so. His eyebrow raised and a corner of his mouth lifted.

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