Belong To You

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"So you're saying that Tae has been ghosting you ever since you basically told him that you wanted a relationship?" Jin looks at me with a skeptical eye, sipping from his drink.

I sighed and swirl my straw not really trying to repeat myself. Jin, Sky, Hobi, and Mina all came over to hang out and chill. Jungkook said he's studying and Namjoon said he's busy working on his debut EP with Yoongi. We decided to have an indoor picnic and so they all brung something while I found a good Netflix movie to watch.

"Is that why we haven't seen him? You done scared him?" Hobi accused and Mina pinched his arm in retaliation.

I stifle a chuckle. "Maybe I did. But who knows, I'm not gonna call him." I poked my lips out.

"Well, why not?" Mina asked.

"Because Noelle is too damn stubborn and likes proving her point." Sky answered and I rolled my eyes. I know I'm stubborn but I don't need others pointing it out for me.

Grabbing a slice of cheesy pizza I savored the elastic cheese strings when I pulled away from a bite. "Yeah, and who am I to force him into something he's not ready for? He claimed to be waiting on something but won't tell me so I just left."

"What if he's waiting for the right time to ask you?" Jin prompted trying to not play devil's advocate. He's taken a liking to Taehyung and supports what we have like a mascot. Even though he wasn't very fond of him in the beginning, now he treats Tae with care as the rest of us.

"Oh right cause asking me to be his damn model is his first question." I retorted and Mina giggled.

"But isn't it sweet he asked you to be his muse? Like that's some titanic shit." She giggled again.

"Jack come back!" Hobi reenacted leaning over to lay on Sky's lap. She laughed and patted his head and he stayed there contently.

"Honestly there's no denying he's feeling you, Noelle. The whole fucking world knows it now, especially all the girls at campus. So it's not a question of if he likes you it's just the question of when he's going to make things official."

"But how long should I wait until he's ready. We've had sex guys, multiple times at different times of the day. We're already in too deep. I think I'm in too deep."

Hoseok's face scrunches and Jin makes a pointed cough which catches my attention. I nervously laugh while sheepishly apologizing. I forgot that we aren't that close. Mina laughed and Sky edged me on and I blush.

"Glad to see that you're exploring Noelle," Jin said and I buried myself in my hoodie. "But you don't have to wait for him because you know that you have feelings for him. So I think you should stop being stubborn and call him or even show up at his place and just ask him for yourself. Don't assume he would just ask you, sometimes the girl has to take that step."

Sky nodded while braiding a braid in Hobi's hair. "When I realize I liked Namjoon more than a friend, I was scared shitless. For many reasons. He was my best friend, and I didn't know if he felt the same way for me. I guess—one day I just took a chance. We went out bike riding just the two of us and stopped for a short break. While he was talking about this new painting he liked I kissed him—just randomly—and he kissed me back. Later after we started dating I found out he liked me the whole time but he was too scared because of the same reason. What I'm tryna tell you Noelle is that you gotta take risks. Maybe Tae is like Namjoon, he's scared." Her given tan shined more with the sun coming in and the dust of freckles that laid bare on her skin.

There's love for Namjoon instilled in her deep-set eyes. When her lips upturn into a soft smile while continuing the braid I smile unconsciously. It must've been fate for them.

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