chapter 11

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^^ Neil's tattoo, it is placed on his left ribcage, and the head will be placed on his pec. 🙃 All g? Kool.

Also! Thanks to Angiejames0802 for motivation to write my story, Thank you for such a great comment!

It was 2 weeks later and the day to get my first ever tattoo, I got sir too sign a piece of paper. I didn't tell him why, just that I needed it for something. Although he did get suspicious, I told him not too worry about it.

I was super nervous but also super exited. I also feel so stupid for doing this while high, like... What was I thinking? Uh well. What's done is done now.

I had gotten a taxi to pick me up and take me to the shop half hour ago, I didn't want anyone knowing untill I had it done.

I was standing outside looking at the door, in a second I was walking in there and won't be coming back out in a few hours. Fuck.

I walked to the door and it slid open and I walked up to the front desk, the lady sitting there looked up and smiled. She had a few pricing in here ears and a nose ring. A few tattoos poking out from her neck and some on her arms.

"Good afternoon, are you here for an appointment?" She asked, I nodded at her.

"Uh, yeah. Here for Neil. Neil amarrow." I said to her, she nodded and went to the computer and started typing away.

She looked up at me with a smile, "yep, right here for a 1:30pm booking, right?" She said, I gave her a smile showing she was right. "Alright, just go wait at the couch, would you like bottle of water?" She offered to me. I just said a simple no.

I walked over to the couch and sat down, grabbing my phone out of my pocket. I was shaking with nerves, this was probably the most stupid thing I've done. I just hope it's worth it... 5 minutes later a man came out, looked over to me and smiled, festering me to follow.

I stood and took a deep breath, here we go then.

"First?" He asked, I nodded and he just patted my shoulder. "That's alright, well take a few breaks here and there. You'll be in good hands."



Holy fuck, this shit hurts like a bitch.

My side was stinging with pain, and my chest felt like it was stabbed over with small mecenical pencils. The tattoo looked good, though. I'm not complaining.

I was standing at the front desk with the man I was being tattoed by, his name was Mike. We talked most of the time, telling and asking, he was a nice man. He said that he was 31, had a daughter that was 15. And that his wife was dead.

We were finalizing payment for my tattoo and he came back with the amount. I knew it would be expensive, so I had extra money just in case.

I even had money transferred to my account by sir. So I had Hella money, at least I wasn't broke.

"Alright, that come too 640$ cash or card?" I pulled out my card and gave it to him, he pulled out the card tapper thing and did all the stuff he had to before handing it back.

"Thank you, looks great." I said, waving at him as I left. He gave me a thankful grin and I left. I called another taxi to take me back, as I waited for them I got a message from Blake.

Blake ✨
Hey! I haven't seen you all day, where r u??

Uh, went out, y

Blake ✨
No reason, where'd you go?

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