"I wanted to surprise you and come watch you film," Jessi chuckles, squeezing my hands excitedly.

"Thank you," I pout at her kindness. "You're just in time to watch the last scene,"

Eunji and Misun both stand up after finishing the paint.

"Wah! I wish I had a body like yours!" Jessi gushes, looking down at my body making me laugh.

"I wish I had boobs like yours," I say, gesturing to her chest.

"Ours are quite similar though," Jessi protests.

"No way,"

"Here feel mine and see!" Jessi moves my hand to grasp her left boob. 

"Feel mine as well," I say, moving her hand to feel my left boob.

"See they're the same!" Jessi laughs, as we both let go of each other's chest.

I laugh when I look up to see Minju facing the wall not daring to look this way while Jae held one of his hands over his eyes, holding the camera in our direction with his other.

Eunji and Misun were both just giggling watching Jessi and I with amused faces.

"It's okay, you can look now," I say to the boys.

"Sorry!" Jessi laughs, looking at the boys.

"The paint should be dry now," Misun informs me.

"Okay! Let's go!" I say excitedly.

I keep hold of one of Jessi's hands as we walk out of the dressing room together while Misun and Eunji held towels out around my body to cover me so the other staff in the room didn't see too much.

"Fighting!" Jessi cheers, letting go of my hand.

I smile at her before walking out onto the set, it was a big bathtub-like hole filled with milk and colourful dye.

"Okay, Luna-ssi we will be filming just one take of you singing along to the lyrics," The Director informs me over the speakerphone so I could hear him.

"Yes," I nod my head at him.

"Fighting," The director cheers, before all the staff in the room also cheer for me.

I smile at their support before slowly stepping into the cold milk and lying down in it.

"It's so cold," I breathe out to Misun who helps position my hair into the right spot.

"I know," Misun frowns at my discomfort. "Just one take and then we will get you all warmed up okay?"

I nod my head at her before she quickly hurries off the set so she wasn't in the shot.

The song begins to play in the speakers and I stare up at the camera that hung above me while lip-syncing along to my lyrics.

Once the song finishes, everyone in the room claps their hands.

"Thank you!" I say while sitting up.

Misun and Eunji immediately runs over and as soon as I step out of the milk they wrap my entire body with towels.

"Thank you for all your hard work," I say to all the staff before bowing to them.


Cause I'm so into you, into you, into you

I smile excitedly looking down at my lyric notebook after finally finishing writing another song.

I pick up my phone to check the time and discover it was six o'clock. 

Suddenly someone knocks on my door.

I stand up from my chair walking over to open my door to find Yoongi standing there.

"Hi," I smile at the sight of him.

"We have just got dinner delivered, Do you have time to come eat with us?" Yoongi asks, following me back inside my studio.

"Yes I've just finished writing, Let me just turn my computer off," I tell him.

"What have you been working on?" Yoongi asks, grabbing my notebook which was still open on the page I had just been writing on.

"Nothing!" I gasp, quickly grabbing my notebook out of his hands.

Yoongi chuckles at my reaction, lifting his eyebrow at me.

"Why can't I see it?"

"Because-" I pout.

It's about you

"-It's not finished yet," I make up a very bad excuse.

"Looked finished to me," Yoongi smirks, obviously knowing the truth that I was wrote a song about him just like I did with Jin.

I give him a look, tucking my lyric book safely away at my desk before picking up my purse and phone.

"Let's go,"

Yoongi chuckles while holding out his hand for me to take before we walk out of my studio and to one of the dance practice rooms.

We walk in to find the rest of the boys sitting at a table opening up the takeaway containers.

"Luna-ssi!" Taehyung smiles, noticing us walk in first.

"Hi," I smile.

I sit down between Namjoon and Hoseok.

"How was your day?" Hoseok asks, placing one of his hands on my thigh.

"It was good, Jessi-sunbaenim came to surprise me on set," I tell them about my day.

"Really?" Jungkook smiles.

"Yes, she bought me food,"

Namjoon passes me a plate while Jin and Yoongi start to dish themselves some food.

"That was really kind of her," Jimin says, dishing himself up some food as well.

"It was," I smile. "Anyways, What did you have to tell me?"

"We are travelling to Japan tomorrow to film some promotions," Hoseok tells me their news.

"How long will you be away?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Five days," Yoongi answers. "Maybe four depending on how quickly we finish everything,"

"Will you be okay here by yourself?" Jimin pouts, staring at me with a worried expression on his face.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be okay," I tell them. "I'll just miss you,"

"We'll miss you too,"

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