He rolled his eyes as he heard her annoying laugh fall into his ears, Yet he saw this as another opportunity to make her life a living hell, He loved to torment her, He loved her reactions.
He followed the sound which led to the school library, He opened the door and scanned the tables until he found her, She wasn't alone, She was cracking up at some bad joke Stiles had said. "You're hilarious!" She say through breaths as she gently swatted at his arm. "L/n." Liam says suddenly appearing behind them "Oh my god Liam, Scared the crap outta me." Stiles says breathless "What do you want Liam?" She asks, Whoa, What was that? Really? No Dumbar? Dickface? Dillhole? "Im going to talk to you, Alone." He says, His face, Straight and unbothered. She scoffed and shook her head "I'm sorry, I'm talking to Stiles here." She says with a polite smile, What the fuck was this new fake bullshit? 'Sorry' and Smiles? This bitch.

"I said I'm going to talk to you, Stiles can wait." He says grabbing her hand and leading her to the back of the library "Christ Liam, You just can't be told no, Can you?" She says wiping her sleeve, He shakes his head "There is is again, That right there. Why are you being less of a bitch?" He asks, Cornering her. Her face spreads into a smile as she looks down to her hands "Stiles asked me out." She says, Unable to refrain from smiling. "Ew stop that." He says, He walks back slightly, Giving her room to breathe. "You can't go out with Stiles." He says, She furrows her eyebrows "And whys that?" She asks, Crossing her arms "Because he.." Well damn that was a good question, The truth was..He didn't know. He didn't know why he didn't want her to date him. "Because he's my friend, And you can't date my friends, They can do way better than you." He says, Matter of factly. She scoffs "Yeah okay then, I'm still going out with him." She says, She tries to walk away but he walks in front of her, He stares down at her. She stares up at him. The air around them seems to thin as they glare into each others eyes "I hate you." She mumbles, He shakes his head but doesn't tare his eyes away "I hate you more." He says, She smiles slightly and backs away "See you later Dumbar." She says before walking back to Stiles, Leaving Liam on his own.

Liam kept looking between the bookshelf over to the two sitting side by side, He took his eyes off of them for a second and when he looked back Stiles was gone, Y/n had an annoyed look on her face. And for some reason Liam felt the sudden urge to rush to her aid, He walked over to her and sat down "What happened?" He asked, Y/n flinched at the sudden noise "Oh my god, You're still here?" She asks, Causing Liam to shrug "What happened?" He asks again, Y/n huffs and sinks back into her seat "He ditched me for that Martin bitch." She says fiddling with her pen, Liam frowns "Oh, Sorry...I guess" He says, She laughs and shakes her head "Like hell you are, I don't want your pity Dumbar, If I wanted it, I would've asked for it." She says, Her tone suddenly harsh, Liams eyes went slightly wide "Whoa, Where's that coming from?" He asks, She sniffles and looks away "I'm just.." She takes a deep breath before continuing "I'm just at a place in life where everything seems to be going bad and..I don't know how to fix it." She says, Liam looks down at his hands before sighing and standing up "You really shouldn't be talking to me about this.." He says before sitting back "But do you want my advice.." She cuts him off "Not really.." She says, He huffs "Im saying it anyway, If you want my advice, Don't go after guys like Stilinski and Brett, They're no good for you." He says causing her to smile "And you know what's good for me?" She says causing him to quickly shake his head "Well no- I just thought maybe you would-"

"Calm down dummy" She says before standing up and draping her bag over her shoulder "Thank you for..Kind of making me feel better." She says before patting his shoulder and walking out of the library, His eyes follow her as she does so.

"Never gonna happen." Someone says from in front of Liam, Causing him to snap his head back, It was mason. "What?" Liam asks, Mason shakes his head "You and Y/n. It's never gonna happen." He says, Liam scoffs "I don't even like her, I hate her, I don't- Why..?" He stutters, Mason looks at him as though he's crazy "You've been a dick to her since the moment you met her, She's not into that." He explains, Liam shrugs "I don't even care..Like at all..Nope." He mumbled causing mason to sigh.

He saw her the the halls talking to Stiles yet again, He was sick of it, He hated that she didn't listen to him, He hated that she didn't notice him noticing her, He hated her. And he hated Stiles. He wasn't quite sure why though.

Liam walked up to the two standing by her locker "Uh, Stiles? Lydia said she needed you." He said bluntly, Stiles' head shot up "Really? Did she say why? Never mind, I'll ask her. She you later Y/n." Stiles said quickly before speed walking away "What the hell is wrong with you?" Liam asks, She looks at him confused "What?" She asks, He shook his head and dragged her into the nearest janitors closet. "Why are you still talking to him?" He asks, She crossed her arms and leaned against the wall "It doesn't really concern you does it?" She says, Almost sounding bored. "So what if it doesn't? You're still doing it in front of my face, And nobody wants to see you and Stilinski flirting, It's disgusting." He says, Standing in front of her "Why do you care so much?" She asks, Standing straight so she's eye level with him "I don't." He says backing away slightly, She smirks and shakes her head "You do, It's obvious Dumbar. Spit it out, What's the problem?" She asks, He shakes his head "Nothing." He says making her scoff "Liar." She says back causing him to snap "It's you! You're the problem! You're always there and here all the time, I think about you all the damn time and it's pissing me off! I mean you're in my head when I go to sleep and you're in my head when I wake up and I just- I'm sick of it!" He shouts, Causing her eyes to widen slightly. "You..You think of me all the time?" She asks, Her voice quiet and soft "Yes! I think of your stupid annoying laugh, Your ugly face, Your ugly ass hair and your snarky comebacks, Those- I..I think of them the most." He says, She doesn't respond and she watches him and he slowly backs her into the wall "I think of everything about you, Every damn minute..Do you ever think about me?" He asks, His voice deep and soft "All the time..Your stupid greasy hair, Your ugly voice, Your rude ass comments, And your..your really attractive body that I accidentally saw when passing the boys locker room once.." She says, Glaring up at him. His eyes trailed down to her lips as she started talking again "I just..I get so..I get so.."

"So what? You get so what?" He asks quickly, The excitement bubbling within "I get so fucking annoyed when you act so fucking entitled around me." She says, There was a silence, The only sound in the room was their deep, quick, hot breaths. They slowly inched closer and closer together until it was simply too difficult to hold back. He quickly pressed his lips to hers, Enjoying the feeling of them against his. She ran her fingers through his said 'greasy hair' and he kept his hands on her 'ugly face'

He pressed himself closer to her and groaned as he felt her grip his hair "It feels so.." He spoke between kisses "Right and wrong.." He says, letting his hands trail to her waist, She hums in response as she starts kissing along his jaw. She suddenly flipped them around so he was pinned to the wall "You think" He tried to steady his breaths "You think I'm attractive?" He asked, A teasing smirk pulling at his lips, She rolled her eyes "Dumbar" She mumbled "Yes?"

"Stop talking" She says before unbuttoning the top buttons to his shirts, Revealing his collar bone, Yet before she could do anything she got a text. She groaned and pulled out her phone, Liam began kissing her neck as she scanned the recent message "Shit, It's stiles, He wants to talk to me." She groans, Pulling away completely. Liams face falls completely "You are not going to leave me for him." He growls, She looks at him with disappointment "Sorry, Dummy. To be continued." She says before walking out leaving Liam alone.

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