Eight Months Later

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Yoongi nibbled on his thumb nervously as he paced around the living room. It had been far too long in the alpha's opinion since they'd heard any kind of noise coming from his and Jimin's bedroom, and that had Yoongi worrying more than he had the entire time Jimin had been in labor. Even the sight of their pups running around outside in the light dusting of snow they'd gotten the day before wasn't enough to calm him.

"Everything's fine." Namjoon assured him from where he was sitting on the couch, his job being to keep Yoongi's stress down, although he wasn't sure how good he was doing. "If something were wrong, Seokjin would have come to get you by now."

"You don't know that." Yoongi shook his head as he continued to pace, a metallic taste hitting his tongue as he broke the skin around his thumbnail.

"I've been through this six times, so I think I do."

At that moment, the bedroom door creaked open and Seokjin appeared with a smile. "You have a little girl." He announced, and all of Yoongi's worries dissipated.

"Can I see them?" Seokjin nodded and Yoongi hurried to the bedroom, pausing in the doorway at the sight of Jimin leaning against his pillows with a tiny pup resting on his chest. "Is she supposed to be that tiny?" Of all the things Yoongi had imagined saying upon seeing his pup for the first time, that was definitely not what he'd planned.

Jimin looked up at him with a small laugh. "Believe it or not, she's actually the biggest pup I've given birth to." The omega said quietly as Yoongi tiptoed into the room, the alpha too scared to make even the tiniest noise. As Yoongi sat on the bed next to Jimin, the omega shifted their pup in his arms until Yoongi could see her face. "Meet your Daddy."

"She's so beautiful." Yoongi whispered as he stared down at their pup. He had never seen anything so beautiful and perfect--except maybe her mother, but that was a given. "Can I hold her?"

Jimin looked at him with wide eyes, the surprise obvious. "You want to?"

"Why wouldn't I?" The second the question left Yoongi's mouth, he already knew the answer. But rather than voicing it, he cleared his throat and held his arms out awkwardly until Jimin was giggling.

"You've never held a pup before, have you?"

"Not when they were this little." Yoongi answered honestly as Jimin carefully set their pup in Yoongi's arms, adjusting his hold until she was safe and comfortable. "What's her name?"

"I thought we could come up with that together." Jimin said, leaning over to rest his head on Yoongi's shoulder. He reached out to lightly run a finger over her nose.

Yoongi gazed softly down at the pup, memorizing every detail as he processed that he had helped create her. This was something he and Jimin had made out of their love. And he already couldn't imagine every loving anyone or anything more than he loved her--except of course her mother, but that was a also a given. "She looks like a Sunmi to me." Yoongi eventually said.

Jimin tilted his head a bit as he studied her. "She does." He agreed. "Sunmi it is." A smile appeared on his face as Sunmi wiggled a bit in Yoongi's arms, as if approving of her name. "Hi, Sunmi. Welcome to our family."

"I can't believe we made her." Yoongi whispered before looking over at Jimin. "Well, mostly you, but still." Jimin giggled again. "You are amazing." The omega's cheeks flushed as Yoongi stole a kiss.

Jimin pulled away when Sunmi let out a noise, squirming more in Yoongi's arms. "I think she's hungry." He announced before carefully taking her from Yoongi's arms. He lowered the top part of his nightdress to feed her, the newborn pup latching on immediately.

"Do you want me to tell the pups she's here?" Yoongi asked, earning a nod from Jimin.

"Don't bring them all in here at once though." Jimin requested as Yoongi climbed off the bed. "Just one or two at a time." Yoongi nodded and leaned down to kiss Jimin again, also making sure to press a soft kiss to the top of Sunmi's head before leaving the room.

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