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Yoongi spent the afternoon following Hoseok to learn the ins and outs of the farm, what each field was used for, and to learn about the few animals that Namjoon and Seokjin owned. Hoseok informed him that the reason they had taken on livestock that year was because word had travelled around that a fair would be happening in a couple of months where farmers would get to show off their crops and livestock, and Namjoon had been interested in taking on some sheep in the hopes of showing them off. The alpha had made the mistake of bringing his oldest set of triplets with him when he'd purchased the sheep and ended up coming home with two sheep, four pigs, and three chickens. "At least you have fresh eggs every morning." Yoongi had pointed out with a chuckle when he'd heard the story.

The alpha had also learned that while they grew a large variety of vegetables and fruits throughout the year, their main focus in that moment of time was harvesting as many peaches as possible--and soon to be apples within the next few days--as those were their biggest income for the fall, and Seokjin was planning on perfecting a peach jam and an apple butter for the upcoming fair and would need as many of each fruit as possible as he tested out different recipes.

After the tour and introduction, the two continued Hoseok's previous task of picking peaches until the sun went down and the scent of roasting pork drew them towards the house. Inside, the table was set with pork roast, collard greens, black eyed peas, and fried cabbage, and Seokjin was bustling around to get the pups some food and send them outside for a picnic so the adults could 'have their dinner in peace'. "Is this what I can look forward to every night?" Yoongi asked, already salivating as he moved to sit at the table.

"Something similar." Seokjin promised as the front door burst open, revealing a very pregnant omega with a dish in one hand and a pup in the other.

"I brought my famous cornbread!" The omega announced, setting the dish on the table before turning to Yoongi. "You must be Yoongi! I've heard so much about you! Seokjin talks about you all the time. He said you tried to court him, but I think he just wants to act desirable, pretending to have had two alphas fawning over him. He also said you fought in the war! Do you have any scars?!"

Yoongi blinked at the omega, struggling to process all of his rambling as an out of breath alpha rushed into the house with two more pups giggling behind. "Taehyung, what did I say about running in here and bombarding him?" The alpha softly scolded as he took the pup out of his mate's arms, turning to Yoongi. "I am so sorry about him. He gets really excited and forgets to filter his thoughts. And the pregnancy makes it worse." Taehyung gasped in offense before turning around and attempting to storm off to Seokjin to complain about his mate, although it was more of a waddle due to his stomach. "I'm Jungkook."

"Yoongi." The alphas shook hands and Jungkook apologized once again for his mate. "It's fine, really. I was just surprised."

"See?" Taehyung glared pointedly at his mate. "It's fine!" He stuck his tongue out at Jungkook, who just smiled endearingly.

"What did you do this time?" Yoongi tensed at the familiar voice before turning to see Jimin entering with who he assumed to be the omega's mate and their pups.

"He doesn't like that I'm curious about the new alpha." Taehyung pouted.

"Did you ask inappropriate questions again?" Jimin raised an eyebrow as he set a dessert dish on the table with the rest of the food. His shirt sleeve rode up slightly, and Yoongi couldn't help but notice strange markings around his wrist. They almost looked like...bruises. He couldn't get a very good look at them before the omega's arm was pulled back, sleeve back in place.

"...define inappropriate."

"And this is why it's important for us alphas to keep our omegas on a tighter leash." Jimin's mate said in a voice that sent a child down Yoongi's spine. "Keep them from embarrassing us. Don't you agree?"

It took a moment for Yoongi to realize the other alpha was speaking to him. "I don't think Jungkook's all that embarrassed."

A tiny giggle escaped Jimin, sending Yoongi's heart fluttering, but he quickly silenced himself when his mate glanced at him. "What do you say we get to eating?" Seokjin suggested as tension began to creep into the room.

After serving up all the pups and sending them outside to eat under the stars, the three couples plus Yoongi and Hoseok dug into the food, everyone praising Seokjin for his cooking. Small talk filled the kitchen as they ate, the food quickly disappearing until all that was left was the peach cobbler Jimin had made. "Are you sure it's safe to eat?" Jihoon asked in a tone that made it sound like he was teasing, yet Yoongi struggled to find the humor in it.

Jimin shot his mate a flat look. "I'm not a terrible cook."

"Could be better." The alpha shrugged. "Maybe you should have spent more time in the kitchen with your mama as a pup."

"Daddy needed someone helping him with the livestock." Jimin retorted.

That tension began to rise in the room again, and Yoongi couldn't help but look between the couple as he took a bite of his dessert. Unlike the other two couples, who were obviously madly in love with each other and made it known both in the looks they sent across the room and in the soft tones they used with each other, Jimin and his mate seemed as if they tolerated each other at best. "I think it's really good." Yoongi eventually said, making Jimin's gaze flit to him in surprise. "Some of the best cobbler I've had."

"Thank you." Jimin said quietly, his cheeks turning peek as he ducked his head down, pushing at his own dessert with his fork. Jihoon's expression went unreadable as he stared at his mate, sliding his hand over to rest on Jimin's thigh. Even though it was barely noticeable, Yoongi still saw the omega flinch slightly at the touch, leading to him having to once again suppress his inner instincts that for some reason were still going haywire around Jimin.

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