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Yoongi was waiting by the carriage drop off area when a familiar older alpha climbed out of a transport carriage, suitcase clutched in his hand. "Dad." He greeted, receiving a pat on the back in response.

"How's my boy?"

"I'm good." Yoongi nodded, taking his dad's suitcase and leading him further into town. "You must be hungry after traveling. How about we get a quick bite before you check into your boarding house?"

He led his father to the local bar and ordered them some food and beers. Only when they were served did Yoongi's father bring up the reason he had traveled all that way. "I read over this contract you sent with your letter." The older alpha informed him. "But I would like for you to explain again what this fellow is looking for, just to make sure I have it right."

Yoongi took a long sip of his beer before responding. "Jihoon, the alpha who asked me to reach out to you, is wanting to leave Jimin, his omega, and he was wanting to see if there was any way to do so without losing out on Jimin's lands."

"Jimin's lands." His father repeated with a hum, studying his son with a curious expression. "Sounds like you don't think Jihoon should get the lands." Yoongi averted his gaze to his food. "But then you wouldn't have reached out the me, would you?"

From the older alpha's tone, Yoongi knew his father already suspected his intentions but was waiting for him to voice them. "Jimin's father wanted the lands to stay with him. He only mated him off to guarantee he would get to stay. I just think it would be a shame for his father's efforts to be wasted."

His father didn't say anything for the longest time, but when he did, Yoongi's was surprised to hear how soft his tone was, not to mention the words that came out. "You love him." Yoongi's eyes widened as his gaze flickered back to his dad. "This Jimin...am I right?" Yoongi had never really enjoyed lying to his parents, and that hadn't changed even as he'd matured, so he just nodded slightly. "Does he love you?"

"I'd like to think so." Yoongi said quietly. "He says he does."

"Well, if it's truly love, then I guess I can't really comment much on it." Yoongi let out a small breath of relief over knowing that his father wasn't about to scold or lecture him for having an affair with a mated omega. "Except to remind you to be careful. Especially if you're wanting to find a loophole in this contract to allow Jimin to leave Jihoon and keep his lands. Not too many judges take kindly to whorish omegas." An instinctual, protective growl rumbled in Yoongi's chest before he could catch himself, causing him to quickly apologize to his father in embarrassment. "I'd have done the same if someone had used that word to describe your mother, so let me assure that I don't believe him to be like that. I was just saying that's how many would view him, especially in a small community like this."

Yoongi nodded in understanding. "We are careful."

"Good." His father straightened his posture. "Now, let's finish eating so I can check into my boarding house and get some rest before meeting with the lawyers involved in this contract. I would like to speak to them to learn the personal intentions Minkyung had for Jimin with this contract and make sure I'm not misinterpreting some of the finer details. I'll come to you once it's all worked out."

"Thank you so much, Dad."


The smile that appeared on Jimin's face when he saw Yoongi approaching was enough to send Yoongi's heart fluttering. "What are you doing here?" Jimin asked.

"I'm actually here to speak with Jihoon." Jimin furrowed his eyebrows. "I'll explain it later." He promised before heading out to where he could see Jihoon in one of the fields. The other alpha greeted him and was obviously just as surprised as Jimin to see him there. "My father got into town today." Yoongi informed.

"He did?" Yoongi now had Jihoon's full attention. "What did he say?"

Yoongi scratched at the back of his neck. "Actually, he's going to speak to the lawyers who were involved with the contract, make sure he has all the details and information first."

Jihoon nodded. "And how long do you think that will take."

"My dad's very thorough, so anywhere from a few days to..." He trailed off as he realized there was something off in the air. "...a few weeks..." He looked around as he realized that the air had gone still and quiet. Way too still and quiet for an early May afternoon.

Then the sky suddenly grew dark with a greenish tint, and he didn't even have to hear Jimin's cry to know what was happening. "TWISTER!"

The two alphas took off running towards the house where Jimin was frantically trying to herd his pups towards the storm cellar. Yoongi and Jihoon each scooped up a pup to aid him, and they all went to the cellar, Jihoon and Yoongi making sure the pups were inside first followed by Jimin. "Wait, Woojin's not here!" Jimin then said in a panic, trying to climb back out only for Jihoon to stop him. "I need to go find my puppy! Let me go!"

"God damn it, Jimin!" Jihoon swore before shoving Jimin back down into the cellar, climbing down after him.

Yoongi wanted to lash out at Jihoon in that moment, but all of his instincts knew there was a more pressing matter at the moment--find Woojin. Therefore, he pushed Jihoon's most recent treatment of Jimin and his pup to the back of his mind as he took off running across the farm once again. Thankfully, he quickly recalled during the snow days when Woojin had informed him that whenever his daddy was being mean, he liked to go hide on the loft in the barn, so Yoongi wasted no time in heading straight there as the wind started to pick up again.

"Woojin!" He called out as he entered the barn, and the pup's head immediately popped up over a pile of hay. "Hey, buddy, I need you to come down here." Yoongi tried to keep his voice calm as he hurried to the ladder, climbing halfway up it as Woojin approached the edge of the loft.

"What's going on?" Woojin asked as he let Yoongi pull him down, holding him as he climbed back down the ladder.

"We just gotta go underground for a little bit." Yoongi said, not wanting to scare the pup. "Your mama's waiting for you."

Yoongi held Woojin close to him as he ran back out of the barn, seeing that his plan to keep Woojin from being scared was already for naught as the wind had picked up considerably and there was now a quiet roar in the distance. He made it halfway to the house before he spotted the tornado quickly approaching the far side of the land, and he knew Woojin could see it too as the pup let out a frightened wail and buried his face in Yoongi's neck. The alpha pushed himself to run even faster, making it to the storm cellar just as the tornado reached the edge of the land. He yanked the doors open and started climbing down the ladder, holding Woojin out for a very relieved Jimin to take so he could shut the door and latch it.

He took a deep breath once he was sure they were safe, the adrenaline in his veins starting to slow and make way for anger towards Jihoon not only for putting his hands on Jimin, but for also seemingly being okay with leaving one of his pups to possibly die. However, when he turned around to say something to the alpha, he was stopped by Jimin lunging at him, throwing one arm around his neck in an embrace while crying into his neck. "Thank you for saving my puppy." Jimin said between sobs, Woojin also crying while sandwiched between Jimin and Yoongi due to the hug and the fact that Jimin refused to let him go just yet.

Yoongi wrapped his arms around Jimin, murmuring assurances to him as he felt eyes on them. He glanced up to see Jihoon watching them with an unreadable expression. There didn't seem to be any anger in his gaze, which should have been comforting to Yoongi, but instead worried him more.

When I Saw You, I Fell in Love (and you smiled because you knew) | ymحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن