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Yoongi had almost convinced himself that his and Jimin's conversation had been all in his head by the end of the next week, as things had seemed to go back to normal between them. He started to believe once again that he'd just imagined Jimin's pheromones, that he had just been a knothead alpha lusting after a mated omega. And then it happened.

It was subtle, Yoongi probably wouldn't have even noticed the omega's true intentions had it not been for that conversation. But one day when Jimin came to tend to his garden, he already had something in his basket that Yoongi couldn't quite see from the pear tree he was currently in. Rather than seeking out Seokjin or going to his garden, Jimin hovered at the base of the tree and waited for Yoongi to come down. Before the alpha could open his mouth to greet him, Jimin pulled the items out of his basket, and Yoongi could now see that it was a couple of slabs of pork wrapped in paper. "Jihoon and I were preserving some of our pork for the winter and I thought you might like some." His eyes shifted slightly to glance at Hoseok approaching from the house before he quickly added, "All of you might like some."

The alpha's inner wolf was going crazy at the offer, recognizing Jimin's attempt at courting him even before Yoongi's brain realized that's what he was doing. "I-we would love it." Yoongi said, accepting the meat from the omega, which earned him a bright smile from Jimin accompanied by flushed cheeks.

Jimin continued with his food offerings, mostly splitting what he picked from his garden up to give half to Yoongi while claiming it was for the whole farm, for a couple of weeks before Yoongi responded with his own courting gift. While omegas would often use food to court alphas, it was more common for alphas to shower omegas with finer things, such as clothes and jewelry. However, Yoongi didn't have much seeing as he'd packed light when he'd left his family's home. So, when Namjoon asked him to accompany Seokjin to town for a shopping trip and make sure the omega didn't try to carry anything too heavy that could hurt him or the pups in his stomach, the alpha took advantage and sneaked away to purchase a simple chain necklace with a small ring on the end. He slipped it into Jimin's basket one day after heavily scenting it, knowing that the omega would find it there and recognize it was from him.

A few weeks later, they were all gathered in Namjoon and Seokjin's kitchen to pack away what they would be showing at the fair that was fast approaching. "Where did you get that necklace?" Jihoon's question made Yoongi's heart pick up despite there being no aggression in his tone. "I haven't seen it before."

Yoongi glanced up to see Jimin lightly fingering the ring, and warmth filled the alpha's chest at the sight of Jimin wearing his gift for the first time. Not only that but wearing it in public. "I bought it last time I went to town." Jimin answered vaguely before briefly meeting Yoongi's eyes, the soft smile that the alpha had determined must be solely for him on his face.

Then came the fair. It was a huge ordeal, people coming from neighboring towns and all across the region to attend. The Kims, the Jeons, and the Parks lingered mostly around the livestock shows and jam tasting contests, but eventually the pups got restless and wanted to go see the games and the pony ride that one stand was boasting. Seokjin and Taehyung were quick to give in to their pups begging, Hoseok and Jungkook tagging along to assist the pregnant omegas with the little ones while Namjoon stayed with their sheep. But Jimin wasn't as quick to leave as he spoke with his mate in hushed tones.

"This isn't entertaining for them." Jimin informed Jihoon. "They lost interest in the animals after the first ten minutes. They want to go play."

"I'm not letting you walk around for any random alpha to take." Jimin glared slightly at Jihoon. "You're staying put."

"I'll walk with them." Yoongi offered. "I'll keep them safe."

Although it was obvious that Jihoon wasn't too fond of Yoongi after the apple tree incident, it was also apparent that the alpha at least trusted Yoongi around them, seeing as he agreed after only a moment of deliberation. "Don't be spending all our money on the brats. You spoil them enough already." Jimin waited until his back was to his mate before rolling his eyes and smiling at Yoongi.

Yoongi followed Jimin and his pups around the fair, smiling at the sound of the pups' laughter at all the sights and attractions the grounds held. He also found himself falling for Jimin even more as he watched him be truly happy for what seemed to be the first time since he'd met the omega. It was evident how much he loved his pups, and how much he cherished time with them without Jihoon hovering over and scolding him for being too 'soft'. And if he enjoyed the way Jimin looked at him after he offered to pay for treats for the pups with his own money, then that was his business.

"Thank you for walking around with us." Jimin said as they were slowly making their way back towards the livestock show, pausing every so often when something caught one of the pups' attention again.

"It was my pleasure." Yoongi said sincerely, smiling when Jimin's cheeks turned a bit pink.

"And I haven't gotten to tell you yet but," Jimin lowered his voice a bit, "thank you for the necklace."

Yoongi glanced down at the ring resting between Jimin's collarbones. "It's not much-"

"It's perfect." Jimin insisted, smiling at Yoongi as his hand came up to play with the ring again. "Although I wish it still smelled like fresh bread." That last statement was barely a whisper, but it still sent Yoongi's instincts wild.

The alpha didn't get the chance to respond as a loud boom crackled through the air followed by clamors of excitement. They both looked up to see that someone had begun setting off fireworks, possibly as a way to signify the end of the night and to celebrate such a big affair. The pups ran a bit ahead to get a closer look but stayed close enough that Jimin and Yoongi could still see them.

The next thing to happen, when Yoongi looked back on it, was a huge risk. Something that if it were to happen again, Yoongi would probably tell Jimin no. But in the moment, with everyone's attention at the sky and the two of them lingering away from the crowd, he couldn't blame Jimin for how he gently touched Yoongi's cheek, forcing the alpha to turn toward him before softly pressing his lips to his. The kiss only lasted a few seconds before Jimin pulled away, his cheeks pink and his eyes nearly gone from the size of his smile, and Yoongi knew his expression was probably the same.

"We should get back to the others." Jimin said after a moment, and Yoongi nodded in agreement before following the omega as he gathered his pups.

When I Saw You, I Fell in Love (and you smiled because you knew) | ymHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin