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When they were finally able to emerge from the storm cellar, Jimin and Jihoon were relieved to see that the damage wasn't as great as what they'd worried it would be. The barn had been untouched, meaning the animals that had been inside were safe too. The worst of the damage was a tree behind the house had been knocked into the house, crushing in the roof on the side where the bedrooms resided.

"That won't be safe to stay in until we get it repaired." Jihoon commented as he took in the sight before turning to Jimin. "Why don't you see about the Jeons letting you and the pups stay with them for a couple of weeks until it's fixed up."

"They don't have any extra room." Jimin shook his head. "They still haven't fixed up the farmhand cabin from the last tornado and there's no room in their house."

Jihoon ran his hand over his face in frustration until Yoongi spoke up. "You can stay with us." Jimin was very obviously trying to control how wide his smile grew as he looked at the alpha. "I'm sure Seokjin and Namjoon won't mind."

After Jihoon climbed into the damaged part of the house to fix up a bag of necessities for Jimin and the pups--upon Jimin's insistence of course--they headed back towards the Kim farm where Yoongi quickly explained why Jimin and the pups would need to stay. As expected, Namjoon and Seokjin welcomed them with open arms, putting them up in the extra bedroom in the farmhand cabin. Although Jimin made a habit from the very first night of not staying in there with his pups.

With each night that Jimin spent in Yoongi's room, every round of love making, every deep conversation about their pasts and future, Yoongi found himself wishing that the repairs on the farmhouse would take longer just so he could keep Jimin there with him. Maybe he was selfish for wanting that, but when Jimin was sitting in his lap, Yoongi's knot connecting them as the omega scented him so gently, he felt like he was allowed to be a little bit selfish.

"What are you thinking about?" Jimin mumbled against Yoongi's neck before pulling back to look at him.

"You." Yoongi answered honestly, dipping his head down to press a kiss to Jimin's shoulder. "And me." Another kiss on his collarbone. "Us." A final one directly on his scent gland.

Jimin let out a little sigh of happiness as Yoongi continued to trail kisses along his neck. "What about us?"

Yoongi hummed against the omega's skin before answering. "About what it'll be like when we can really be together. When I'll get to fall asleep next to you every single night. When I'll get to tell the whole world I love you." Jimin giggled a bit, his cheeks flushing. "When I'll get to be the father Jiwon, Woojin, Woosung, Hyejin, Jiyoung, and Hyunwoo deserve."

The omega's breath hitched slightly, and he pulled Yoongi's face out of his neck so their eyes could meet. "You mean that?"

"I do." Yoongi said softly before pressing his lips to Jimin's. He pulled away after a moment to say, "My dad's in town."

"He is?"

Yoongi nodded. "That's why I went to talk to Jihoon the day of the twister. He'd asked me to ask my dad to look over his and your dad's contract, see if he could leave you and still keep the land." Jimin tensed on Yoongi's lap. "But what he doesn't know is that my dad is actually looking into if you can keep your lands regardless of if you stay with Jihoon or not." Jimin's eyes widened, his scent blooming with happiness. It was obvious the omega was speechless, but he managed to overcome it by pressing his lips to Yoongi's again, kissing him until Yoongi felt all his love even down to his toes.


Despite all his wishing, eventually the roof was repaired enough that Jimin and the pups could return, and life went back to normal for them--Yoongi completing his duties on the farm while looking forward to Jimin's daily visits and stolen moments whenever they got the chance. The second week in June, they were preparing for the start of that year's peach harvest, and all they needed was Jimin and Jihoon before they could begin picking the first peaches from the trees. When Yoongi did catch a whiff of Jimin's cinnamon scent coming out of the trees, instead of growing elated as he normally did, he immediately felt on edge at the burnt tinge the scent held.

He was already slowly making his way towards the trees, preparing to aid Jimin through whatever was distressing him. And then Jihoon's pine scent muddled with anger hit him, causing Yoongi to take off in a sprint towards the trees. Before he reached them, Jihoon came storming out, practically dragging Jimin behind him as the omega was struggling to walk properly from the grip the alpha had on him. Jimin also seemed to be pleading with him, tears streaming down his face that Yoongi could now see had bruises and cuts on it. Woojin was running after them, crying loudly for Jihoon to leave his mama alone.

When Jihoon spotted Yoongi there, he didn't hesitate to shove Jimin towards him, the alpha just barely catching him before he hit the ground. "I should have known." He spat as Yoongi held Jimin protectively against him, the omega sobbing into his chest. "The signs were everywhere." Jihoon scoffed as he started walking towards the trees again as the others gathered around silently, also standing around protectively but not wanting to speak just yet. "You want him, you can have him. Come on, Woojin."

"No." The tension seemed to thicken even more at Woojin's response, the sureness in his tone even causing Jimin to pull his face away from Yoongi's chest to look at his pup in surprise.

Jihoon's face grew hard as he scowled at the four-year-old. "I'm not playing, Woojin. We're going."

Woojin shook his head, glaring at his father as he took a couple of steps closer towards Jimin and Yoongi. "I'm not leaving my mama."

"I am your father-"


Jihoon lunged as if to grab Woojin, but Yoongi was quicker, stepping away from Jimin just long enough to pull the pup into his arms. "I think you should leave, Jihoon." He said calmly as he wrapped his arm around Jimin again.

The other alpha seemed taken aback for a brief moment before sneering. "Go ahead, take the runt too. Probably isn't even mine either." Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows at the word 'either' as Jihoon stalked back into the trees. But then he smelled it. It was faint, still mostly covered up by Jimin's cinnamon scent, but it was unmistakably there.


When I Saw You, I Fell in Love (and you smiled because you knew) | ymOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant