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It snowed off and on for about a week, and then it was nearly another week before it melted enough for travel to be safe. The days were spent with Yoongi, Jimin, and the pups building snowmen, making snow angels, and having snowball fights before retiring into the house to sit by the fireplace with mugs of hot chocolate while Yoongi read them stories. The snowstorm allowed Yoongi and Jimin to live in their own bubble, a fantasy being lived out of them as mates. However, it came crashing down all too soon with the melted snow when the town's sheriff made his rounds to check on everyone and brought a letter that had been delivered to the post office just before the storm hit, informing Jimin that Jihoon was making his way back and, by that point, would be home in just a few days' time.

Jimin disappeared minutes after the sheriff left, and once Yoongi knew the pups were distracted with a snowball fight, he went in search of the omega. He found him in the bedroom, the bed stripped and windows open as he scrubbed every inch of the room, obviously trying to get rid of the scent of bread that had made its home in the area. That wasn't what had Yoongi concerned, but the silent tears streaming down Jimin's face were. "Jimin-"

"Why couldn't he have stayed gone?" Jimin asked without even turning to face Yoongi. "Why couldn't he have realized he preferred it there and stayed so that you and I could be together?"

Yoongi quietly approached Jimin and wrapped his arms around him from behind, but that only seemed to upset the omega more as he started crying harder. "Soon." Yoongi whispered, the word having become something they often told each other.

"Not soon enough." Jimin whispered back, abandoning his cleaning briefly so he could turn around in Yoongi's arms and bury his face in the alpha's neck to scent him one last time before he would have to wash his scent off.


Hoseok was waiting out on the porch when Yoongi returned to the farm. "Was beginning to wonder if I'd ever see you again." He teased, clapping Yoongi on the back. "You missed all the excitement."

"Excitement?" Instead of answering, Hoseok led him into the house and past the pups playing in the living room, all the way to Seokjin and Namjoon's bedroom. The alpha knocked twice before pushing the door open, revealing Seokjin sitting up in the bed with a newborn pup in his arms, Namjoon standing next to the bed with another pup. "You had them?"

Seokjin glanced away from his newest pup to smile and welcome Yoongi back. "Two days ago." He answered the alpha's question, beckoning Yoongi closer to see the two pups. "Meet Seulgi and Jieun." He whispered, smiling softly at the two female pups.

"Hi there." Yoongi cooed softly before congratulating his friends. After a moment, he said, "These are the last, right? Otherwise, I don't think we could grow enough food just for your family."

"Tell Namjoon to keep his knot to himself and they will be the last." Seokjin chuckled.


Yoongi smelled Jimin before he saw or heard him, glancing up to see him coming out of the trees with Hyunwoo on his hip and a basket in his hand as usual. What wasn't usual was Woojin stumbling along after him, his face splotchy as if he'd just been crying. As they got closer, Yoongi could hear Jimin cheerfully talking about how they were going to meet Seokjinnie's new puppies and that Woojin was big enough that he could hold one of them if Seokjinnie allowed it.

When Jimin looked over and smiled at him, Yoongi had no qualms over abandoning his work in pushing snow to the side to create better paths across the farm to greet him and the pups. "Long time no see." Yoongi crouched down to Woojin's height. "What's wrong with my little buddy?"

The four-year-old sniffled. "Daddy knocked over my snowman." Yoongi couldn't help the flash of anger that rushed through him at that, as he had been there when Woojin had built the lopsided creature that he was so proud of. "Said it was in his way and that it would melt soon anyway."

"That was a really good snowman too." Yoongi said in a comforting tone. "Too bad we don't have lots of snow over here that you could use to build another one..." Woojin perked up as he realized what Yoongi was getting at. "Need some help getting started?" The pup nodded eagerly, taking the alpha's hand to tug him around as he found the best spot to build his new snowman. Letting the pup lead him around, Yoongi looked over his shoulder back at Jimin, who was smiling just as widely as he had when they were snowed in.

Thank you, the omega mouthed to him before heading to the house to visit with Seokjin.


"Yoongi!" The alpha looked up with furrowed eyebrows at Jihoon approaching him.

"Can I help you?"

"Actually, yes." Jihoon nodded. "Jimin mentioned something about how your dad is a lawyer." Yoongi nodded slowly, recalling the exact conversation where he had mentioned that tidbit of information to the omega. "I was wondering if you could help me get in touch with him. I need help with something." A pit started to form in his stomach as Jihoon pulled a folded piece of paper out of his pocket. "This is the contract I signed with Jimin's father, and I need a lawyer who is willing to look over it and see if there's any way that I can keep the lands without keeping Jimin."

Yoongi stared at the paper Jihoon was holding out to him before forcing himself to look up at the alpha. "You're wanting to leave Jimin."

Jihoon scoffed quietly. "Come on, everyone can see he's not a good omega." Yoongi had to force himself not to growl at the alpha for that statement, as Jimin was the perfect omega, it was Jihoon who wasn't good. "But I don't want to lose out on my land because of him."

Jimin's land. Yoongi mentally corrected but once again forced himself to stay composed. "I'll see what I can do." He said politely.

When I Saw You, I Fell in Love (and you smiled because you knew) | ymDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora