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It takes losing people to realize how much you loved them.

Although you may have escaped with your life, those boy's corpses will forever be rotting six feet under the ground.

All because two boys didn't know what love was.

But it was too late now.

There was no way you could turn back the clock to hopefully stop them.

And even though you didn't kill them, you can't help but feel the guilt as if you did.


I tricked you all. I led you to believe that Kuroo didn't want to do any of this. But c'mon you saw what he did to Lev.

There you have it. Whether you chose your fight or flight response, Carnage has come to an end.

I do not own Haikyuu or any of it's characters/plot used in this story. Many scenes from the anime that I used are not in order, but that's okay. Why?

Because this is just a fanfiction.

Meaning that little of this story is canon in the actual anime, and this never happened outside of this book.

Crazy how one letter off changed the whole course of your life isn't it? Literally all I did was add an 'L' and now you have a good ending. 💀

Tell me what you thought about it, and tell me any other characters you want books of.

This book was heavy, I know, but that's the type of books I write and will continue to write. This is my third 'real' finished story on this account, and hopefully not the last.

This book was really fun to write, even though it took me ages to finish though. I have no clue why it took me so long, the notes were done like the week I had the idea and I had the motivation. I guess I'm just that lazy.

But it's done and that's all I care about. It's also the most popular book on my account right now. (February 2022 for future readers). But I love all the support I've gotten on it.

Thank you for reading this book, I'll catch you in the next one.


K. Kenma & K. Tetsurou - Carnage ✓Where stories live. Discover now