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"Just because his life has ended doesn't mean yours should too. Live on, it's what he would've wanted."

If Tsukishima's mother only said those words instead of biting her tongue last night, that conversation with her son wouldn't have been her last.

When she walked into his room that morning to wake him up, she fell to her knees at the sight. He was just hanging there, limp and unmoving.

She let out a wail like she had never before and will never again, alerting Akiteru. Running towards the sound of his mother's screams, he reached Kei's doorframe, his mother crying in front of it.

"Ma, ma what's wrong?" he frantically asked. His attention was fully focused on his mother that he didn't even notice his younger brother hanging from his ceiling.

"K-Kei!" she cried out, the first thing Akiteru was able to make out from her shrieking.

"Kei? What's wrong with Kei? Ma, what's wrong with Kei?!" He himself had now become anxious, shaking his mother. He had no answer. His mother was now repeating his brother's name over and over again, each time sadder than the last.

Tired of her wailing and confused about the situation, he moved his mother out of the way so he could enter his room. He wished he never did.

He was greeted with the defunct body of his younger brother, faint red marks creating a trail leading up his arm. He'd been cutting himself? How long had he felt like this?

Akiteru ran up to his brother's body, tears flowing down his eyes. "Kei!"

"Don't touch him! Don't you dare touch him!" wailed his mother. "Don't touch him..."

Akiteru and his mother spent most of their day crying in young Tsukishima's room.

Needless to say, they didn't attend Yamaguchi's funeral.


All of the Tsukishima's phones were blowing up, people wondering where they were. Some mad, some worried.

Akiteru's mother fell asleep at the doorway, passing out once her body had had enough. He carried her to her room, laying her down in her bed. Leaving her room, he closed the door behind him, allowing her to get some sleep because Lord knows that if she wakes up she won't allow herself to sleep again.

Walking back to his own room, Akiteru rubbed his now puffy eyes. He couldn't believe it. He wouldn't believe it. How could his own brother be gone from him just like that? He never got to grow up, see the world and, no matter how many times he said he wouldn't, get married and start a family.

And the worst part? Akiteru didn't even know what he was thinking. He left no note, no implication of what his final feelings were. He just... left.

And as selfish as it may sound, he wanted to know if he still hated him.

Here Akiteru was, thinking about himself again.

Your brother just killed himself, you saw the body, he scolded himself. And you can only think of yourself, huh? Sick fuck.

He walked into his brother's room for possibly the last time. The paramedics had already taken his body out, seeing as they couldn't just leave him hanging there. He sat down on the floor, looking around at his room.

He looked at the figurines on a single white shelf. He never did outgrow his dinosaur faze. Akiteru smiled at this, the fact that his brother was still a child at heart. Knowing this, he could finally go to sleep calmly.

Akiteru didn't realize it at that moment, but that was the first time he was able to think about Kei without crying.


K. Kenma & K. Tetsurou - Carnage ✓Where stories live. Discover now