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Before this chapter starts I would like to say a thank-you to the following: @bareeraphobic@karenisugly @tojisrighttiddy @Itz-yogirllexi @tallblueberry @-YATORAMEOW @-LUM1NUS @dipper16- @damnyourhawt

Thank you for all the votes, comments and support during this story. You were my main motivators and I wouldn't have come this far without you. Now without further ado, ending 2/2 of 'Carnage'!


Second Pov

You thought over your options until you finally made the decision.

Though right now he was off his guard and smaller than you, you probably still couldn't take him. Well you could, but you weren't willing to take that risk.

So your only option was to run.

Getting up slowly you were ready to run when Kenma grabbed your ankle. "Please don't leave," he sobbed. "I have nothing left."

"I. Don't. Care!" you yelled back at him while finally freeing your leg from his grasp. To make sure he didn't latch onto you like a leach again, you gave him a swift kick to the face before finally taking off. While running you noticed some blood on your shoe that you used to kick Kenma. You must've kicked him pretty hard.

Running downstairs usually wouldn't be a hobby you particularly liked, but in this situation you had no other choice. While running downstairs you caught a glimpse of someone running upstairs using the opposite staircase.

It felt as if your eyes had met in slow motion. When those gold eyes made contact with your e/c ones, the owner smiled. Not a genuine smile, but a sinister smile. A smile that shook you to your very core.

They stopped their own running to turn around. This motion, this less than five second motion was all that you needed to get a head start, seeing as you would need to put all the distance between you two.

You could never outrun Kuroo, you knew that.

You wished it was him on the roof and Kenma chasing after you, that would've been much more bearable.

But keeping the fact that a mad man was behind you, you pushed yourself more than you even thought possible. If you were on a track, you could probably win several Olympic medals.


But right now you didn't need any medals, you just needed to escape. And it looked like you actually would. Opening the school door, you kept on running to the police station. Hopefully the thought of the cops or at least crowded spaces would scare him off.

Who were you kidding? You had evidence against him that will ruin his life and there's no reason why you wouldn't tell anybody. He's not stopping unless you're dead.

Thinking this only gave you more speed. Where all this power and energy was coming from you didn't even know.

"Stop running, Y/n! You'll never lose me and you know it!" As if that would work. You didn't slow down and you didn't dare look behind you.

The streets were crowded so you felt safer, but not completely at ease. You stopped running in order to blend in with the crowd more. Thank God you didn't stand out that much or else it would've been a dead giveaway of your location.

Your paranoia was eating away at you the whole trip to the police station. With you checking over your shoulder every ten seconds people probably thought you were crazy, or on something at the very least.

But you didn't care. Your main objective was to make it to the station, which you completed sooner than you thought you would.

"I need to speak to detective Kato! Right now!" The officers turned to you.

"He's in a meeting right now, you'll have to wai-"

"It's really important. Tell him it's L/n!" Doing as you told them to, the officers went to go tell their co-worker about the screaming girl in the lobby asking for him.

"L/n!" Haru called to you. At the mention of your name he had sprung up from his chair and rushed to meet him. "Please, come into my office."


You told him everything you knew from start to finish. About the first victim, where the bodies were, their apparent motive.

"Sick bastards," was all Haru could respond with when you had finished.

The bodies were recovered, but it must've been so painful for those young boys' families to see their sons in that state. But it was needed.

In the end Kenma took the easy way out. Fucking bastard jumped off of the roof after you left, killing him instantly. When you heard this you could only feel rage, anger, hate, such strong negative emotions. But Kuroo?

Kuroo received life in prison. Well, he received multiple life sentences, one after the other. When the police found him he came willingly. He must've known that his time was up and that there was no use running.

As for you? Not only did you change schools, (every student attending Nekoma had to transfer for the time being) but you also changed prefectures. You wanted to start over in a new place so your parents allowed you to move down to Hyogo, you staying with a relative of course. They would've loved to come with you but because of their line of work they were unable to.

You wanted to put your past behind you and a new start gave you just that.

You were finally at peace.

For now.


K. Kenma & K. Tetsurou - Carnage ✓Where stories live. Discover now