𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘋𝘰𝘵𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘥 ²₈

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He did it...

He figured it out.

Well, with the help of Daisuke, of course. He wouldn't be able to get actual evidence if it wasn't for his partner's seemingly endless riches.

Now, they could finally have a warrant for Kozume Kenma's arrest. That way, they could ask him about this partner he was talking about.

Finally those families would get justice for their dead sons.


The only thing on Kenma's mind was finding Y/n. All he cared about was telling her everything that he and Kuroo had done, even if that meant using force.

He stalked the halls in an unsavoury manner, his brown eyes darting wildly in search of the h/c haired girl.

Luckily for her, though, she saw the way he was walking and decided to steer clear of him. She would've left school earlier but he kept lingering around her locker. She knew he was looking for her but she wasn't looking for trouble, so she went to the washroom for a couple minutes to find him still lurking.

What does he want now? she thought to herself. Peaking out of the washroom again, she saw him finally leave. By now the hallways were practically dead, so she knew if she made a sound he would know it was her.

Honestly she felt like she was in a slasher movie.

But not the main character.

This was probably just the intro to the movie and she would be the victim to show the killer's methods. Y/n was no main character.

Quickly walking towards her locker, she quietly opened it up. Unknown to her, there was another person looking for her. Well, not looking exactly, more like waiting at the exit she always used.

But Y/n was smart. She knew that Kenma would probably be waiting for her there, so she would use a different exit.

And she was right.

Kenma hurriedly walked downstairs with a worried expression on his face. Did she already leave? I've been at her locker this whole time. Could she have left without her stuff? Could she-

could she be there right now?

Turning around, Kenma ran back upstairs heading straight for Y/n's locker. Little did he know that the other person waiting for Y/n had seen him.

"Kenma!" Kuroo yelled after him down the hall.

Shit shit shit shit shit! Kenma never liked running, but he ran like his life depended on it. Which it kind of did.

Kuroo wanted to kill Y/n. If he did succeed, he would probably kill Kenma as well to put this whole year behind him.

And Kenma was right.

With a stroke of luck, Kenma was able to find Y/n on her way out.



He grabbed her arm. She tried fighting back but she couldn't.

Where the hell is this strength coming from?

Since it was painfully apparent that she would be unable to fight him off, she decided to scream.

No answer.

He dragged her to the top of the roof.

"Leave me alone!"

"Y/n please just talk to me. It's really really important."

"No you're a psycho killer!" Kenma's face dropped. She knew?

She knew.

She knew! Now he had no need to hide anything. He smiled, "You already knew?"

"What are you smiling for?! Are you gonna kill me as well?"

"Listen to me because I don't have much time left. Me and Kuroo-"

"You and Kuroo?"

"Yes me and Kuroo. Now don't interrupt me again. Or else." This was enough to shut her up, but not enough for her to give up. She made sure to maintain eye contact with Kenma while he was talking, all the while slipping her phone out of her skirt pocket.

Kenma interrupted himself. "You're not slick, Y/n. Give it here." Y/n held onto the phone for dear life. She wasn't going to let it go that easily.

But when Kenma raised up his hand to strike her, she put her hands up to shield herself from the blow. Turns out it was just a bluff for her to let go.

"Now that that's settled, where was I? Right, so during the training camp we were going to kill just Yamamoto and that Tanaka kid, but the guy with green hair walked in on us and well, you know..."

'Guy with green hair'? He didn't even bother to learn the name of someone he had killed? He was confessing to this all so calmly, it didn't make any sense.

"I never wanted to kill anyone," his tone changed. He sat down on the ground opposite of Y/n, letting his guard down. "I felt like I had to. I didn't want to. I'm sorry... I'm so so sorry..."

"W-why did you feel that way?" Was he bipolar or something? One minute he was threatening to hit her and the next he was a sobbing mess on the floor next to her. Y/n had no sympathy for him. His tears were probably fake anyway.

Y/n was wrong. Every single tear, every single 'I'm sorry' was true. He wanted to take it all back. He wanted to go back in time and undo his mess, but he knew that wasn't possible and that the damage was already done.

He would have to live with himself. His repulsive, vile, less than human self. At least now he felt guilty.

He wanted to kill himself, but he knew that would be selfish, taking the easy way out. He would have to rot in a jail cell for the rest of his life.

"Kenma?" Y/n softly spoke, snapping him back into reality. "Why did you do it?"

"Out of love. We- I love you, Y/n."

Love? Love? What did he know about love? Hearing this word ignited something in you, your fight or flight response. Do you try to fight Kenma one on one? He didn't seem like he would try to outrun the consequences of his actions, plus his guard was down.

Or do you run? If you stood up fast enough and found your footing, you could easily run away from him. He didn't seem like he would try to chase you either.

You thought over your options until you finally made the decision.


You now have the option to A:

Fight. You could fight Kenma in hopes of winning or


Flight. Run away in an attempt to escape with your life.

K. Kenma & K. Tetsurou - Carnage ✓Where stories live. Discover now