𝘚𝘩𝘦'𝘴 𝘕𝘰𝘵 𝘊𝘳𝘢𝘻𝘺²₄

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A few days have passed since the incident at the police station. The lights turning off and the window breaking did scare Y/n at the time, she'll even admit that she had a hard time falling asleep that night, but overall she didn't care about that any more.

How could she care about anything when her best friend just died?

The people who had the shortest time in your life hurt the most when they left.

The littlest things could set her off.

Like right now.

Y/n was at the vending machine. She hadn't eaten all day and was starving. Putting the snack number into the keypad, she reached into her pocket to get her spare change. "Fuck, I'm short," she mumbled to herself. "And I already put my money in," she groaned before placing her head on the glass. She looked at the snack she wanted to buy. It was Yamamoto's favourite.

Before she had the chance to just walk away and forget the chips a hand slipped beside her putting the remaining fifty yen in the slot for her. Y/n looked up.


"What are friends for?" he smiled at her.

"Yeah, thanks."

Man, I hate this kid so much. What the hell is he doing lurking in my room? I wanna ask him but who knows what he'll do. If I do end up asking him it should be in a more crowded area, not this isolated corner.

Y/n walked away from Kenma quickly, in which he followed her.

Get the fuck away from me creep.

"So how are you?" Kenma asked her while trying to keep up.

"I'm good, you?"

"I'm fine." It was so awkward between the two. Kenma liked to call Y/n his friend but they were anything but. With how fast she was walking Y/n eventually found herself in the main hallway, crowded with people which is where she planned on ditching Kenma. But he followed her, making sure to barely give her enough room to breathe.

He's so fucking obvious. Just drop dead already. What do you want from me? You gonna follow me home? Huh? What is it you want? Sex? Money? What is it?!

Fed up, Y/n turned around to face the blonde boy. Surprisingly he didn't bump into her with how closely he was following her. "What's up?" He asked.

"Why have you been coming to my room Kenma?"

"What do you mean? I've never even been to your house."

"Don't play dumb I keep seeing you. You keep... talking about things. Just stop and I won't tell anyone." That was a lie, she's already been to the police twice about this, the second time giving them a name.

"Is this your way of inviting me over?"

"Stop acting dumb!" she yelled. Remembering where they were, she lowered her voice. "I know you've been in my room, Kenma. I saw you with my own two eyes, heard your voice with my own ears."

"Maybe you were hallucinating."


"With the deaths of so many people around you I'm sure you haven't been sleeping right. You probably thought you heard and saw me, but in reality you weren't. Heck, you could've been dreaming it all too."

"I'm not crazy Kenma," she said before turning away.

"I'm not crazy."


"I'm not crazy."

The h/c haired girl was now in her room sitting on the edge of her bed. "I'm not crazy. It was real! I know it was. I wasn't dreaming, I wasn't hallucinating... I'm not crazy. No, you're not crazy, Y/n. He's just lying to you, that's it. He's lying. He's a liar."

She played back the conversation in her mind.

"With the deaths of so many people around you I'm sure you haven't been sleeping right. You probably thought you heard and saw me, but in reality you weren't. Heck, you could've been dreaming it all too."

"So many people around me... but Tora was the only person close to me that died. Is he talking about Lev and Yaku? But they're not confirmed to be dead, just missing. Why is he talking about them as if they died as well? He's been using past tense with them a lot. Unless..."

"I'm not crazy."

Running into her closet, she looked for the pair of jeans that she wore the day she went to the police station. Digging into it's back pocket, she pulled out a business card with a phone number on it. Dialling the number, she released a breath she didn't know she was holding in.


"I'm not crazy."


K. Kenma & K. Tetsurou - Carnage ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz