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Before this chapter starts I would like to say a thank-you to the following: @bareeraphobic@karenisugly @tojisrighttiddy @Itz-yogirllexi @tallblueberry @-YATORAMEOW @-LUM1NUS @dipper16- @damnyourhawt

Thank you for all the votes, comments and support during this story. You were my main motivators and I wouldn't have come this far without you. Now without further ado, ending 1/2 of 'Carnage'!


Second Pov

You thought over your options until you finally made the decision.

Looking back to Kenma's crying figure, you stood up slowly. You could take him. He was crouched down distracted. If you stepped on his back landing a proper blow you might be able to overpower him.

So that's what you did.

Without giving him a moment to react, you stood up and stepped on his back as hard as you could. He let out a cry, but you didn't care. You kept stomping on his back repeatedly, seeing as that was probably your best bet.

"Y/n!" he cried. "Why? Why?!"

You didn't answer. You were too angry to answer. The more you stomped on him, the more your hate for him grew. All those people he killed for his own selfish gain. The gain that he didn't even get in the end. What made him think that you would be grateful towards him for all this? Killing so many innocent people including your best friend. Yes, you knew that it wasn't only him who committed these crimes, but you knew that you could never win in a fight against Kuroo. Not in a million years.

But you could beat Kenma. And you were. You wanted to kill him on the spot. To just stomp the life out of him and show him how all the others felt. But you couldn't. You wouldn't. You wouldn't become scum like him.

"Why Y/n, why?! I did it all for you! I love-"

"Shut up!" You found yourself screaming at the crying boy beneath your feet. With every cry, every hiccup he let out your stomps became faster and more and more frantic. You were in a trance almost. You didn't want to stop. But you had to or else you would kill him.

"You don't know what love is," you spat on him, walking away while wiping the tears that had escaped your eyes. You were going to head straight for the police station and report every new piece of new information the blonde had given you. You would regurgitate what Kenma had told you to the police and bring all the dead boy's families peace.

You opened the doors to the stairs leading back to the top floor of the school. You walked- more like jogged- to the main floor. While you were on the second floor though, you caught a glimpse of someone. At first you were going to call out to them for help until you saw that signature rooster hair.


Hoping that he didn't see or hear you, you slowed down your pace to avoid him hearing those loud taps on the floor when you ran. Now at a quick-paced walk, you continued to walk down the hallway.

Just one more floor and then I'm out of here, you thought to yourself. You were getting anxious, you were so close to the bottom of the stairs when you noticed someone waiting at the bottom of them.


"You didn't think that I didn't hear you, did you?" You turned around quickly, looking for another way out. Of course he chased you. Normally he would be faster than you but today you were evenly matched. It must've been all the adrenaline you had in that moment that made you so fast. "I thought you weren't much for sports," he called from behind you tauntingly.

K. Kenma & K. Tetsurou - Carnage ✓Where stories live. Discover now