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It was suspicious how all these kids were going missing from Nekoma in such a short period of time. It had been a rather quiet school, with maybe one or two incidents every year, but nothing too serious. So why now? Why was it that all of a sudden two students have gone missing and one confirmed to be dead?

This is what detective Kato planned on finding out.

Obviously, he couldn't do it alone, so he had his partner, Kambe, to help him.

"Daisuke, come look at this," the brown-eyed male called his partner over. "The disappearance of Yaku Morisuke happened only a month or so after Haiba Lev..." he trialled off, looking at all the information laid out in front of him. Daisuke spoke up.

"Do you think they're connected?" Haru looked up at him, puzzled. "You said it yourself, Nekoma is a good school. So for two disappearances and a murder to occur in the span of a few months? It's a little suspicious if you ask me."

Kato never thought of it like that. Could they be connected? "Let's take another look around town, we might be able to find some key pieces that we need to solve this case.


Tsukishima couldn't take it anymore. He was suffering in silence at the thought of his childhood friend gone. If Yamaguchi was with him, he could fight off whoever did that to him, better yet, he wouldn't even be put in that situation to begin with.

Tsukishima wasn't an idiot. When he stopped talking to Yamaguchi he took it harshly, becoming somewhat of a recluse and shutting himself in an empty room whenever he got the chance. The bastard must've known it would be empty as well and the freckled male just decided the wrong day to isolate himself.

His funeral was tomorrow. Kei didn't want to attend. If he saw his body being lowered into the ground the realness would sink in and he would just break down, never being able to build himself back up, the cool facade that he had taken years building finally crumbling.

He would know that he would never see that smile again.


Yamaguchi wasn't smiling when he died, was he?

This broke Tsukishima's heart, knowing that it was his dream to die smiling.

"When I die, it's going to be of old age," he told his friend randomly. "I'm going to die smiling, ready to accept my fate. I'll have no regrets and I would've done everything the same way." He turned to Tsukishima smiling the same bright smile that seemed to be reserved for the blonde.

"What if someone kills you?"

He laughed. "I'll be a good person. Nobody will have any reason to kill me."

And nobody did have a reason to kill him.

Wrong place, wrong time.

How many times had Tsukishima heard that phrase to describe his death?

Too many to count. The tall male heard a soft knock on his door. "Kei? Can you open the door?"

Startled, he quickly stashed what he was holding in his hands away in his closet. "Yeah, sure." Opening the door he revealed his mother.

"Do you have everything ready? Your speech for tomorrow? How about your suit?" He cringed at the mention of the upcoming event.

"Yes, I do."

"I know you're grieving, Kei. Just... don't let this hold you back, okay?"

"Okay." Following her to the door, he closed it behind her. She looked like she was going to say something, but turned around and left, deciding against it.

She would soon regret not telling him.

Going back into his closet, he pulled out the stashed rope from before. Rolling up his sleeves he revealed a trail of cuts leading up his arm.

Ever since Yamaguchi died, Tsukishima had given himself a cut for every time he had ever taken him for granted. He was appalled with himself when it led all the way to his shoulders. If he could remember more, he probably would've run out of room on his body.

Tying the rope in the hangman's knot, he attached it to his ceiling.

He didn't leave a note of any kind, he didn't say a word. He was just gone.

Crazy how fast someone can be taken from you, isn't it?


K. Kenma & K. Tetsurou - Carnage ✓Where stories live. Discover now