𝘗𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘦 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 ²₃

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"Can you describe the face you saw? Could it be one you recognize?" Haru asked the y/h girl seated in front of him. She had come back into the station again this morning to add to her previous statement.

"It was a girl, I'm certain of that. But for facial features I'm drawing a blank. Sorry..."

"Don't be. Any reason that you decided that this was a woman?"

"Her face looked soft from what I could tell, a contrast to her voice. Oh! And her hair was cropped like this," she said while making the 'stop' hand motion near her chin. "She said that that was her last visit to me but that I would hear from her again, just not in my room."

"So, are you saying that this person could be someone you know?" Haru asked, so engrossed by what Y/n was saying that he didn't notice that every camera outside was going offline. A tall figure was jumping up to them and turning them so that they would face the wall, their face masked by a black ball cap and a medical mask.

"What they said made it seem like it, so I think so."

"Who in your life has hair like she does?"

"I'm not too sure. Sorry, I'm going to need a minute to think about it..."

"Take your time." Haru looked around the station while he listened to the incoherent mumbles coming from the girl in front of him.

"It can't be her... her hair is a little bit shorter than that..." she continued to gather her thoughts. C'mon, Y/n, think! Whose hair is exactly that level? Whose face shape is like that? Whose-



"I know was in my room, it was Ken-" The lights turned off.

"Ah, shit. The power went out, who was it you said it was?"

"Kenma Ko-" The windows smashed.

"Who's there?!" Haru asked, looking around the now pitch black room. "Who's there?!" he asked again, this time making sure to assert his voice. He now turned to the direction of the school girl, knowing that she must be scared or at least startled by this. He knew he was. "L/n? L/n are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm okay."

"Reach out for my arm." Y/n did as she was told and grabbed onto his arm. This way, they wouldn't lose each other in the dark. Haru was reaching down into his pocket for his phone. He planned to use it's flashlight so they could see what was going on around them when he froze.


There were footsteps all around them. And quick ones, too. So fast in fact the Haru couldn't tell if it was one person or multiple. How could a human move at such speed? Was whatever was in the room with them even human? Or was this all a dream?

No, it wasn't a dream.


Because Haru finally got out of his dazed state and pulled his phone out of his pocket. Turning on the flash, he pointed it around him until he stopped on the desk he was just working at.

A man with a black baseball cap and a medical mask was staring up at him, hunched over the table with his hands on the paper Haru was just writing on.

The paper with all the case's information.

Realizing he was caught, the man grabbed the stack of papers and ran out of the police station. He was gone as quickly as he came.

"Shit," Haru mumbled to himself. "Sorry, what were you saying before?" he asked Y/n, his phone flashlight now pointed at her.

"Kenma Kozume was the one in my room. I'm sure of it."

"Kenma Kozume?" she nodded her head. "Well, at least that's something. You go on home. I'll give you a call when I get all this sorted."

"Okay. Thank you."

Haru looked around the office with his phone flashlight. The good news was that only one window was broken.

The bad news?

Is that it was back to square one.


K. Kenma & K. Tetsurou - Carnage ✓Where stories live. Discover now