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Everything had gone to shit.

Well, not everything. He hadn't completely figured everything out yet. They still had time to take care of him.

But Kenma's plan to torment Yamamoto slowly had to come to a stop before it even started. It turned out that Kuroo was saying some of the details of Lev's murder out loud, and unfortunately for him,

Kenma wasn't the only one to hear.

That short prick Yaku heard as well. How did Kenma know? That was easy. Earlier that day when he got to school, the short male approached him, pulling him into the washroom and into the handicapped stall. "Yo, dude. I don't like guys like th-"

"Oh get over yourself. I pulled you in here because I wanted to have a little chat with you," the short male said, hands still on Kenma's collar. "Lev's missing."

"How do you know?" the taller male asked. "He could just be sick."

"Unlike you, I actually know his family. They said that he hasn't come home since the day he went to 'practice' with Kuroo." He emphasized the word practice by putting air quotes around it like he knew something was up.

Kenma tried to play it cool. How he wished Kuroo hadn't told him the truth yet. It would be so much easier to deny knowing anything because it would be true. Lucky for Kenma though, he had a wonderful poker face and was able to keep his cool under pressure. "Okay? What does that have to do with me? I walked home that-"

"Just lemme finish, jeez," he huffed. "I just wanna talk with you, that's all."

"You're more of talking at me than with me, just so you know." Finally, Kenma was able to get a full fucking sentence in without this dwarf cunt interrupting him.

"Dammit Kenma-!" Calming himself down, he continued. "I just wanna ask you some questions, okay?"

"What is this? A police interrogation."

"Kenma, I swear talk one more time and you'll see why they call me the demon upperclassman." Gathering his breath, he continued for what he hoped would be the final time. "Has Kuroo seemed... off to you by any chance?"

Silence filled the stall. "Oh, am I supposed to answer that?" Yaku rolled his eyes at his underclassmen. At this point, Kenma was just doing whatever in his power to stall until the bell rang and they had to get to class. It's not like he was a bad liar, he just didn't feel too confident in his abilities at that moment. It was early morning. Nobody would be at their best this early, especially when pulled into a bathroom stall and questioned about a disappearance.

"Kuroo's always weird but... yeah I guess he's been kind of out of it since Lev's absence." He made sure to use words that made it seem like Lev was still here. Kenma watched a lot of true crime, and one thing he kept noticing that incriminated the killer was that they talked about their victims in past tense, like they were already gone. So Kenma made a mental note that whenever he would talk about Lev, he needed to use present tense. He told himself to tell this to Kuroo as well. Kuroo was smart, but who knew what was going on in his head lately.

"I'm gonna tell you something, so you need to promise you won't tell anyone, especially not Kuroo." He held out his pinky for Kenma to take. He knew where Yaku was going with this, and he didn't like it. So he decided to buy himself just a little time. When Yaku dragged him into the washroom he caught a glimpse of the clock on the wall, seeing that they had roughly five minutes before classes started. They had been in the stall for around two minutes now.

"What are we? Grade schoolers?"

"Just do it dammit!" Kenma sighed, linking pinkies with the brown-eyed male. "Finally," he huffed. "I... heard Kuroo say something. It was about Lev. Some gruesome details about how he ripped out his guts and left him abandoned in a park. Pretty weird shit."

"Oh damn... do you think he had to do with his absence?"

"Yeah, I do. Why I'm telling you this is-


That was the bell, signalling them that classes would start soon. "I'll tell you later, okay? Meet me after practice!"

And now Kenma was in class, thinking about what to do about Yaku.



"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I didn't know!"

"You didn't know? You could go to jail, Kuroo. How could you be so fucking stupid?!"

Kuroo sat on his bed with his head buried in his hands, tears streaming down his face. Kenma was berating him for his ignorance of letting this slip. He wanted him to know that he was in deep shit if Yaku fully figured it out, which judging by their conversation, he was pretty damn close.

But if you ask me, yelling at him wasn't the best course of action, especially with his mental state at the moment.

"That's it. It's over." The blonde plopped down beside his black-haired friend, head down. He was thinking about what to do. Then a twisted thought crossed his mind. "Let's just kill him." Kuroo looked up, his face red and splotchy from all his crying.


"You already killed Lev, so it should be no big deal for you. Let's just kill off anyone who comes close to finding out about what you did."

"You think that'll work?"

"It will."

"It has to."


K. Kenma & K. Tetsurou - Carnage ✓Where stories live. Discover now