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Kenma was worried about Kuroo. Ever since Lev stopped coming to school, he hasn't been himself. Did he really bond with him that much at Tochu park that his disappearance was taking this much of a toll on him?

Or was he responsible for it?

Kenma was hoping that it wasn't the ladder, but in these past few days, he could never know with him. One moment he would be nice and caring and the next it would be like he's not even there.

And then sometimes he could be an asshole.

He's been a lot harder on everyone on the team lately, using the excuse that they needed to fill the hole Lev left in the team, which if Kenma was honest, wasn't even there. Lev was a total rookie when it came to volleyball, and shit when it came to receives, so he doubted that the team would take any harsh blows in future matches because of his absence.

He needed to ask him why he was acting this way, so when they got off the train he followed him home. It wasn't in a stalker way, though. He was walking right beside him like he usually did. Kuroo was so out of it that he didn't even notice until it was too late.

"Why am I pathetic? Was it because I killed Lev? Was I so insecure that I had to go that far? I feel like I'm gonna be sick-"

Kenma's eyes went wide at what he was hearing the ravenette say. Killed Lev? No fucking way. Kuroo was big, yeah, but he wouldn't hurt a fly. He dropped his bag down to the floor in shock, causing Kuroo to look up at the pudding head.

"Kenma? What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing?" He closed the door, locking it behind him before taking a seat on Kuroo's desk chair. "You need to explain yourself, now."

"Explain what- oh. OH. Shit, that was out loud? Fuck fuck fuck FUCK! How many details have I been spewing without knowing? The police could be on the way right fucking now. Tetsurou you fucking idiot! Pathetic!" He stopped himself once he heard the 'p-word'- pathetic- escape from his lips. He sat there trying to catch his breath while Kenma just watched in amazement.

"Kuro," he softly said. "Just- tell me what happened. I won't be mad. I promise."

"You... promise?" he looked up at his friend, hands shaky and breath staggered. Kenma moved over to where Kuroo was on the bed, placing an arm around his shoulder to provide him support.

"Promise." Kuroo took a deep breath, trying to collect himself and his thoughts. This is what he wanted, isn't it? To tell someone what he did. To receive forgiveness, pity, anything.

"I, I," he was having trouble putting it into words. "I saw him talking to Y/n and... I got jealous. Really jealous..." He took another deep breath to calm himself. It's okay, Tetsurou. He's not mad at you. "I kept telling myself it didn't matter, that they were just friends but- but it was too much. I wanted to hurt him. So I killed him."

Kenma just sat there quietly, trying to process everything he just said. "Where's Lev now?"

"T-Tochu," he quietly answered.

"Did you clean up?" He nodded his head.

"Kuroo, I'm not mad at you." He could feel Kuroo's shoulders relax a little more, and he was able to breathe easier.

"You're not?"

"No, I'm not. I- I wasn't in the best mental state either. When I went out with Yamamoto..."

The two boys continued to talk about their dark thoughts, taking comfort in the fact that they weren't alone. By the time Kenma left Kuroo's house, it was already the late hours of the night.

Kuroo didn't tell Kenma about the small voice he's been hearing in his head, not yet.

Maybe he wouldn't tell him at all.


Kenma got home that night, but he didn't go to sleep. He often slept late, so it wasn't like he was all that tired to begin with. But he felt giddy. Like the next stage in his relationship with Y/n had finally arrived.

Since Kuroo did it, it would be okay if he did too, right? It would only be fair. He decided that if Yamamoto really pushed the limit he would off him, but not like Kuroo did Lev.

You see, Kenma didn't like blood. He didn't like to get his clothes or hands dirty, so killing him in such a brutal way was completely off the table.

But he still wanted to cause him bodily harm. Maybe he could start with the little things and then move up to fully getting rid of him. Yeah, that'll be fine.

Now that he knew he and Kuroo had no problem with killing, he wanted to go all out for Y/n.

It was for a good cause, wasn't it?


K. Kenma & K. Tetsurou - Carnage ✓Where stories live. Discover now