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Kenma waited for the day to come where they didn't have practice. He asked Yaku if he could help him study since Kuroo was in no state to teach. He happily agreed, seeing as he had nothing better to do. This surprised Kenma, especially since what he said at their last meeting.

"I don't even know why I'm telling you this, probably because I really don't want it to be true, but... I have a feeling that you helped Kuroo."

"What? Why?"

"Because even though he's out of it he still talks to you."

"So I'm just not supposed to talk to my best friend?"

"No- yes- I don't know, okay? Can you just tell me if you did or not?"


"Okay. Thanks." The short male walked off awkwardly, inwardly scolding himself for wrongfully accusing Kenma with no evidence but he felt like it. Of course, he wouldn't help! Now he was questioning if he was the one out of it, the one hearing things. He started to wonder if Kuroo actually said all that. Fuck, he started to wonder if he even actually met with Kenma, or if that was just a figment of his imagination as well.

No, he couldn't doubt himself now. He knew that he was in the perfect state of mind, that he wouldn't forget anything or make anything up.

The two boys were now studying in the library. Kenma made sure to pick one of the camera's blindspots. Kuroo was a few classrooms down, ready to help Kenma carry Yaku's body out to his car where they would drive him out to Tochu park.

He wanted to see Lev so bad? Fine.

He'll get his wish.

The two males were studying when they got distracted and started talking about random things, the conversation somehow turning to height.

"It's hard to find someone shorter than me... Happy I met you," said Kenma while leaning back in his chair, hands behind his head.

"Don't start." Yaku deadpanned, Kenma laughed at his statement. Yaku was really sensitive when it came to his height, more like his lack of it.

"You know," he said, leaning forward in his chair now. His demeanour had completely changed in a matter of seconds. What was once light and airy was now dark and serious.

"I've always wanted to beat the shit out of someone, and you seem like the perfect candidate. Being shorter than me and all."


Without notice, Kenma swung at Yaku, hitting him square in the face. Once he knocked him down he proceeded to keep beating him to a pulp, not stopping even after he lost consciousness. Kenma beat him so hard he knocked out one of the shorter male's teeth, leaving a gap forever. Once he was done beating him senseless, the blonde called out to his friend to come into the library.

"Holy shit you really fucked him up didn't you?" the taller male walked in to see the bloody sight that had become Yaku's face. His face was so pounded in and bruised that if he ever did heal, he would never be the same, with all the irreversible damage Kenma had caused. But he didn't need to worry about that, since he was going to die today anyway.

"I told you I would. Did you not believe me?"

"I did I just- I didn't think you had it in you, that's all."

"Shut up and carry him. I'll check to see if anyone's coming."

Kenma scouted ahead, telling Kuroo when to stop and when to go. They successfully got out of the school building and into the student parking lot, heading towards Kuroo's car. The drive to Tochu wasn't awkward, no. They talked about what they usually talked about. For them, they weren't doing anything wrong. Just taking care of a problem.

When the two arrived at Tochu they dumped Yaku's body on the ground. They used their feet to stomp him until he stopped breathing before moving him beside Lev and driving off.

Now Kenma could start the slow process of getting rid of Yamamoto,

and Kuroo could sleep easily without fear of his crimes getting out.


a/n - why did i kill him off immediately after? yk what the word carnage means, right? this isn't even the beginning. 

K. Kenma & K. Tetsurou - Carnage ✓Where stories live. Discover now